Awesome!  Thanks for the feedback.

Regarding the API - the intent is be able to use a "code-first" approach -
i.e. write your object model in Java using annotations similar to
JAXB/JSON-B/etc. as necessary - write your business logic (CRUD operations)
similar to JAX-RS resource methods.  That would allow the user to generate
a schema file.  Most of the GraphQL Java implementations that I have seen
have a "schema-first" approach which leads to a lot of duplication of

Regarding the underlying implementation (whether to use graphql-java or
not), that question was asked in the last MP project meeting, and we
decided that it would be considered an implementation detail.  My opinion
would be to use graphql-java as a starting point, and only write something
from scratch if we find major limitations with it.

As far as timeline goes, I think it will be a while before we start work on
the implementation.  The MP project is just getting started, and I suspect
it will take a while to work out the spec work.

Thanks again,


On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 7:21 PM Andriy Redko <> wrote:

> Hey Andy,
> Certainly +1, I think CXF would be a great place to host HTTP-based
> MP GraphQL implementation. I am wondering (probably related to Romain's
> 2nd point) if the intention is to implement the specification from scratch
> or pull in graphql-java? In any case, I think it would be great addition to
> CXF, count me in.
> Best Regards,
>     Andriy Redko
> Thursday, January 3, 2019, 5:49:34 PM, you wrote:
> RMB> +1
> RMB> Two small side notes:
> RMB> 1. If cxf is not the right "home", geronimo would definitively be (
> RMB> to be concrete)
> RMB> 2. From my past experience having a graphql parser API (body reader
> for
> RMB> jaxrs/mp) is the most important feature, everything else is mainly
> the link
> RMB> to the backend and highly depends impl choices and the abstraction a
> RMB> framework gives is often  more an issue (N+1 queries to cite one
> obvious
> RMB> common problem) than a solution even if tempting
> RMB> Le jeu. 3 janv. 2019 23:29, Andy McCright <
>> a
> RMB> écrit :
> >> Hi All,
> >> I've been involved in an effort to create a MicroProfile GraphQL project
> >> that would provide a Java framework for building and deploying GraphQL
> >> apps.  The API would look similar to JAX-RS (i.e. @Query annotations
> >> instead of @GET, etc.).
> >> We have a draft project proposal available here:
> >>
> >> Would this be something that we could implement in a new CXF module?
> And
> >> would anybody on this list be interested in participating in the MP spec
> >> project?
> >> Thanks in advance!
> >> Andy
> >> PS - we have a spec project meeting tomorrow at 10:30am US Eastern time.
> >> Meeting minutes (and a link to the webex) is available here:
> >>

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