Hi David,

Guess enhnacements will go in jaxrs (better router etc)
On packages, no change is the only viable option for end users (javaagent,
maven plugins, sed, etc dont work in enough envs, break the portability ee
had been after for years and requires actual work and validation - qa time)
so guess the sanest is to freeze it until there is a real need.

Just my 2cts

Le mar. 26 nov. 2019 à 21:49, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> There is a discussion and vote going on the Jakarta EE side of the fence
> as to if the following APIs should be moved from javax into jakarta
> namespaces.
>  - JAXB (javax.xml.bind -> jakarta.xml.bind)
>  - JAX-WS (javax.xml.ws -> jakarta.xml.ws)
> What "move" means is these APIs would be able to continue to evolve.  If
> they are not moved, they could still be supported but will be frozen
> forever.  At this time there is no intention of revisiting the topic in
> future Jakarta EE versions and migrating things later; it's been explicitly
> and widely voted down.
> So if JAXB and JAX-WS were to have a future in jakarta.xml.* that would
> need to happen during Jakarta EE 9.
> As this is the project at Apache that implements JAX-WS:
>  - Is there anyone who has ideas or desires to improve JAX-WS?
>  - If they were migrated:
>    - Would javax.xml -> jakarta.xml changes be welcome?
>    - Are there people willing to help or do the work?
> Do people have any thoughts, questions or preferences?
> --
> David Blevins
> http://twitter.com/dblevins
> http://www.tomitribe.com

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