> On Dec 8, 2019, at 9:17 PM, Jim Ma <mail2ji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If both JAXB and JAX-WS changes, should cxf community join the effort to
> contribute and drive the jax-ws spec thing ?

Well, the issue is whom in the community CAN contribute and drive it.   With 
Jakarta moving to Eclipse, it has also become “pay to play” if the company you 
work for happens to also be an Eclipse sponsor.    As a concrete example, I 
cannot participate in the Jakarta specs because my employer has decided that 
the extra fee Eclipse wants to charge us to be part of the Jakarta specs is not 
worth it for a variety of reasons.   Thus, Colm and I are left out.   With the 
old JCP, individuals could participate with the Apache hat on, but my inquiry 
about that option for the new Jakarta was met with a “not if their employer is 
sponsoring Eclipse.”    Might have just been a shake down for more money or 
something, but it left such a sour taste in my mouth that I didn’t pursue it 


> Cheers,
> Jim
> On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 11:49 PM Daniel Kulp <dk...@apache.org 
> <mailto:dk...@apache.org>> wrote:
>> Interesting discussion… I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it.
>> On one hand, it would be nice to be able to enhance the specs in the
>> future.    On the other hand, there hasn’t been an enhancement or any plans
>> for an enhancement for several years.     Thus, it could end up being a lot
>> of work and pain for nothing.
>> I guess I would make JAX-WS depend on what decision is made for JAXB.   If
>> JAXB changes, we’ll have to do a ton of work anyway.  Thus, we might as
>> well do JAX-WS at the same time.
>> The big trick will be getting the code to work with both the old
>> annotations and the new annotations.   That might really require a lot of
>> work.    I really don’t see how we could possibly drop support for the old
>> locations.   They are used extensively in anything jax-ws and/or jaxb
>> related.   Migration would potentially be a pain for everyone.
>> Dan
>>> On Nov 26, 2019, at 3:49 PM, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> There is a discussion and vote going on the Jakarta EE side of the fence
>> as to if the following APIs should be moved from javax into jakarta
>> namespaces.
>>> - JAXB (javax.xml.bind -> jakarta.xml.bind)
>>> - JAX-WS (javax.xml.ws -> jakarta.xml.ws)
>>> What "move" means is these APIs would be able to continue to evolve.  If
>> they are not moved, they could still be supported but will be frozen
>> forever.  At this time there is no intention of revisiting the topic in
>> future Jakarta EE versions and migrating things later; it's been explicitly
>> and widely voted down.
>>> So if JAXB and JAX-WS were to have a future in jakarta.xml.* that would
>> need to happen during Jakarta EE 9.
>>> As this is the project at Apache that implements JAX-WS:
>>> - Is there anyone who has ideas or desires to improve JAX-WS?
>>> - If they were migrated:
>>>  - Would javax.xml -> jakarta.xml changes be welcome?
>>>  - Are there people willing to help or do the work?
>>> Do people have any thoughts, questions or preferences?
>>> --
>>> David Blevins
>>> http://twitter.com/dblevins
>>> http://www.tomitribe.com
>> --
>> Daniel Kulp
>> dk...@apache.org <mailto:dk...@apache.org> <mailto:dk...@apache.org 
>> <mailto:dk...@apache.org>> - http://dankulp.com/blog 
>> <http://dankulp.com/blog> <
>> http://dankulp.com/blog <http://dankulp.com/blog>>
>> Talend Community Coder - http://talend.com <http://talend.com/> 
>> <http://coders.talend.com/ <http://coders.talend.com/>>

Daniel Kulp
dk...@apache.org <mailto:dk...@apache.org> - http://dankulp.com/blog 
Talend Community Coder - http://talend.com <http://coders.talend.com/>

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