Hi Jean,

JPU> 1. a jaxrs server  on url: '/<basePath>/services/service1'

Correct, so in the relative form like address="/<something>", the JAX-RS 
endpoint path would be:

    <baseUrl>/<servlet path mapping>/<address>/[@ApplicationPath]/[@Path]

The @ApplicationPath is optional in this case.

JPU> 2. a jaxws service endpoint on '/<basePath>/services/service2'

The JAX-WS is very different from JAX-RS, essentially the action 
comes inside the SOAP message behind <baseUrl>/<servlet path mapping>/ 
(@Path / @ApplicationPath are not relevant there).

JPU> Question: Because now address="/" is set for the jaxrs:server will it also
JPU> inspect requests targeted for the jaxws service as those requests have 
JPU> with the same path '/<basePath>/services/...

This is a good question, I have not done it myself but I think it should work: 
the servlet dispatches according to registered services, in this regard JAX-RS 
JAX-WS should not conflict. Does it work in your case? Thank you.

Best Regards,
    Andriy Redko 

JPU> Hi Andriy,

JPU> Using address="/" seems to work but still I don't understand how the
JPU> following work together:
JPU>  - path specification in servlet mapping for the CXF servlet
JPU> (org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet)
JPU>  - the 'address' attribute on the jaxrs:server bean declaration
JPU>  - the javax.ws.rs.Path or javax.jws.WebService annotation on the service
JPU> API description

JPU> Say I've two services with (relateive to the host) url's:
JPU> 1. a jaxrs server  on url: '/<basePath>/services/service1'
JPU> 2. a jaxws service endpoint on '/<basePath>/services/service2'

JPU> How do I configure above 3 aspects? Currently I have (working):
JPU> 1.for the jaxrs:server endpoint:
JPU>         - servlet path mapping: '/services/*'
JPU>                - jaxrs-server address attribute: address="/"
JPU>                - @Path annotation: @Path("service1")
JPU> 2.For the jaxws service endpoint:
JPU>         - servlet path mapping: '/services/*' (JAXWS and JAXRS requests 
are handleb
JPU> by the same CXF servle)
JPU>                - jaxws:endpoint server address attribute:
JPU> address="/service2"
JPU>                - @WebService(name="service2")

JPU> A correct request for '1' would be '/basePath>/services/service1/<ID>'.
JPU> A correct request for '2' would be '/basePath>/services/service2'.

JPU> The jaxrs/jaxws configuration behavior seem to differ with respect to:
JPU>         - the server address attribute
JPU>         - The API annotation (@Path or @Webservice)
JPU> The JAXWS server address attribute doesn't seem to interfere with the
JPU> @Webservice annotation. While the jaxrs server address attribute does seem
JPU> to interfere with the @Path annotation. I would have expected the jaxrs
JPU> server aspects to be configured as:
JPU>         - servlet path mapping: '/services/*'
JPU>                - jaxrs-server address attribute: address="/service1"
JPU>                - @Path annotation: @Path("service1")
JPU> but then a valid request would be

JPU> For both the 'address' attribute is relative to the servlet path.
JPU> The @Path Javadoc mentions that this path is relative to the 
JPU> which thus seems to be relative to the jaxrs-server address attribute. As
JPU> for @Webservice it doesnn't seem to be url-path related.

JPU> Question: Because now address="/" is set for the jaxrs:server will it also
JPU> inspect requests targeted for the jaxws service as those requests have 
JPU> with the same path '/<basePath>/services/...'.

JPU> Albeit somewhat confusing.


JPU> -----Original Message-----
JPU> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>
JPU> Sent: dinsdag 14 juni 2022 1:08
JPU> To: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>;
JPU> iss...@cxf.apache.org; dev@cxf.apache.org
JPU> Subject: Re: JAXRS server endpoint not gracefully shutdown

JPU> Hi Jean,

JPU> Indeed, the jaxrs:server does not expect address to be omitted, you could
JPU> use the "/" (and I believe an empty string would also make it):

JPU> <jaxrs:server id="restServer" basePackages="xxx" address="/"> ...
JPU> </jaxrs:server>

JPU> Thank you.
JPU> Hope it helps.

JPU> Best Regards,
JPU>     Andriy Redko

JPU>> I create a JAXRS server endpoint (CXF 3.5.2) using spring bean
JPU>> declarations

JPU>> like:

JPU>>      <jaxrs:server id="restServer" basePackages="xxx">

JPU>>            <jaxrs:serviceBeans>

JPU>>                 <ref bean="TestApi" />

JPU>>            </jaxrs:serviceBeans>

JPU>>            <jaxrs:providers>

JPU>>                 <…/>

JPU>>            </jaxrs:providers>

JPU>>            <jaxrs:features>

JPU>>                 <… />

JPU>>            </jaxrs:features>

JPU>>            <jaxrs:inInterceptors>

JPU>>                 <… />

JPU>>            </jaxrs:inInterceptors>

JPU>>            <jaxrs:outInterceptors>*

JPU>>                 <**…**/>*

JPU>>            </jaxrs:outInterceptors>*

JPU>>      </jaxrs:server>

JPU>> Here my “TestApi” bean interface is declared like:

JPU>>       @Path("accounts")

JPU>>        @Consumes(MediaType.*APPLICATION_JSON*)

JPU>>        @Produces(MediaType.*APPLICATION_JSON*)

JPU>>        public interface TestApi {

JPU>>          …

JPU>>        }

JPU>> And CXF is triggered via a servlet configuration like:

JPU>>      <servlet>

JPU>>              <display-name>CXF Servlet</display-name>

JPU>>              <servlet-name>CXFServlet</servlet-name>

JPU>> <servlet-class>org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet</servlet
JPU>> -class>

JPU>>        </servlet>

JPU>>        <servlet-mapping>

JPU>>              <servlet-name>CXFServlet</servlet-name>

JPU>>              <url-pattern>/services/*</url-pattern>

JPU>>        </servlet-mapping>

JPU>> Because I’ve got the @Path declaration on the interface type I’ve
JPU>> omitted

JPU>> the address=”accounts” attribute on the jaxrs:server declaration
JPU>> since otherwise

JPU>> I noticed that the server would be listening to /basepath/services/
JPU>> accounts/accounts/…).

JPU>> Now this configuration works perfectly, only when shutting down the
JPU>> application server cxf calls

JPU>>         ServerImpl#destroy()

JPU>> which delegates (via Obeservable) to
JPU>> AbstractHTTPDestination#deactivate()
JPU>> which calls

JPU>> registry.removeDestination(path).

JPU>> This path is null (no ‘address’ specified on jaxrs:server
JPU>> declaration) and results in a NPE on the registry Map.

JPU>> This causes an unclean shutdown of my server.

JPU>> Is this an error in cxf or is my jaxrs:server configured incorrectly?

JPU>> How does the ‘address’ attribute on the jaxrs:server declaration
JPU>> correctly interact with the @Path parameter on the API interface?

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