Hi Jean,

You may run into Swagger JAX-RS scanner limitations, as far as I can tell - it 
checks class annotations 
for SwaggerDefinition, does not traverse the hierarchy [1].


Best Regards,
    Andriy Redko

JPU>  RE: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

JPU> Still one question );

JPU> The generated swagger file doesn’t take into account the @SwaggerDefintion
JPU> on my interface classes?

JPU> As a test I looked at
JPU> and** modified** sample2*
JPU> and modified sample2> as follows:

JPU>    @Path("/sample2")

JPU>       @Api(value = "/sample2",authorizations=
JPU>       {@Authorization(value="bearer")},description = "Sample2 (modified) 
JPU>       service with Swagger documentation")

JPU>       @SwaggerDefinition(

JPU>               info = @Info(

JPU>                       description = "Sample2 server",

JPU>                       version="1.0",

JPU>                       title = "Test2",

JPU>                       contact = @Contact(name = "J.P. Urkens",email = "
JPU>       *jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com* <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>
JPU>       ")),

JPU>               securityDefinition =
JPU>       @SecurityDefinition(apiKeyAuthDefinitions=
JPU>       <{@ApiKeyAuthDefinition(key=> the format 'Bearer
JPU>       &lt;accessToken&gt;'")})

JPU>       )

JPU>       public class Sample2 {...}

JPU> This correctly generates the ‘securityDefintions’ in the swagger file.

JPU> If include the same @SwaggerDefinition and the authorizations on the @Api
JPU> annotation as above in my interface classes then the generated swagger
JPU> file doesn’t
JPU> contain the ‘securityDefintions’ ?

JPU> Any idea what I might be missing?

JPU> Regards,


JPU> -----Original Message-----
JPU> From: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>
JPU> Sent: dinsdag 23 mei 2023 12:52
JPU> To: 'Andriy Redko' <drr...@gmail.com>; 'dev@cxf.apache.org' <
JPU> Subject: RE: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

JPU> Hi Andriy,

JPU> I added the parameter usePathBasedConfig=true to the Swagger2Feature bean
JPU> declarations but still it does generate an empty swagger.yaml for
JPU> interfaces KmopResources and KmopDienstverlener although I noticed that for
JPU> these interfaces the @Path() annotation was commented out (as I included it
JPU> in the server declaration). After providing an empty @Path("") declaration
JPU> on the API interface classes everything worked.

JPU> Thanks for the support.

JPU> -----Original Message-----

JPU> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>

JPU> Sent: dinsdag 23 mei 2023 3:42

JPU> To: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>; 

JPU> Subject: Re: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

JPU> Hi Jean,

JPU> The main problem to configure Swagger property in your particular case is
JPU> that the server address is not "known" or "introspectable" for Swagger.
JPU> Intuitively, it has to be set manually using basePath to the, essentially,
JPU> the server address

JPU> part:

JPU>  - /op/services/accounts

JPU>  - /op/services/resources

JPU>  - /op/services/dienstverlener

JPU> You could read more about other Swagger properties you have asked here:

JPU> You definitely need to set usePathBasedConfig to "true" otherwise you will
JPU> see the same Swagger specs for all servers. We have a sample here which
JPU> uses 2 jaxrs:server

JPU> instances:

JPU> Regarding SwaggerUI, I think the value for each of those should be set to,
JPU> respectively:

JPU>  - /op/services/accounts/swagger.yaml

JPU>  - /op/services/resources/swagger.yaml

JPU>  - /op/services/dienstverlener/swagger.yaml

JPU> I believe this is matching your settings already, except the
JPU> usePathBasedConfig part. The example referred above could be helpful, my
JPU> apologies if I missed something, there are quite a lot of questions :-) The
JPU> fact that the generated Swagger specification is empty is unexpected - it
JPU> should not happen when JAX-RS resources are properly configured.

JPU> Thank you.

JPU> Best Regards,

JPU>     Andriy Redko

JPU>>  RE: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

JPU>> Hi Andriy,

JPU>> I am not quite understanding how to correctly configure the
JPU> Swagger2Feature.

JPU>> Referring to the attached cxf-endpoints configuration I (as a test)

JPU>> created

JPU>> 3 JAXRS server instances:

JPU>> 1.      A* KmopApiServer* server for the*

JPU>> be.dvtm.aeo.op.sodexo.api.KmopApiService* interface, serving

JPU>> requests for URI path:

JPU>>        * <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/accounts*

JPU>>    ‘op’  = root path of the web application

JPU>>             ‘services’ = servlet path of the CXF-servlet

JPU>>       The address of the server is set to ‘/accounts’ and the @Path(…)

JPU>>       annotation on the interface class was cleared.

JPU>> 2.      A* Kmop**Resources**ApiServer* server for the* be.dvtm.aeo.op.*

JPU>> *openapi.**api.Kmop**Recources**ApiService* interface, serving

JPU>> requests for URI path:

JPU>>        * <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/**resources*

JPU>> The address of the server is set to ‘/resources’ and the @Path(…)

JPU>> annotation on the interface class was cleared.

JPU>> 3.      A* Kmop**Dienstverlener**Server* server for the*
JPU> be.dvtm.aeo.op.*

JPU>> *openapi**.api.Kmop**Dienstverlener**Service* interface, serving

JPU>> requests for URI path:

JPU>>        * <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/**dienstverlener*

JPU>> The address of the server is set to ‘/dienstverlener’ and the

JPU>> @Path(…) annotation on the interface class was cleared.

JPU>> For each of these server instances I’ve set the Swagger2Feature

JPU>> with configuration as indicated in the attached cxf-endpoints.xml.

JPU>> With regard to the configurations for the Swagger2Feature I’ve the

JPU>> following questions:

JPU>> a)      Referring to *https://cxf.apache.org/docs/swagger2feature.html*

JPU>> <https://cxf.apache.org/docs/swagger2feature.html>  could you

JPU>> clarify on the following configuration parameters:

JPU>> *i.     ** basePath* – Is this the path to the CXFServlet context (‘

JPU>> /op/services’) or to the JAX-RS server instance (e.g.

JPU>> ‘/op/services/accounts’) or still something else? Is it used to

JPU>> resolve service classes or is it just for documentation in the swagger
JPU> file?

JPU>> *ii.    ** resourcePackage* – the description mentions ‘package names’

JPU>> while the default mentions ‘service classes’? Service 2 and 3 above

JPU>> are within the same package (generated from the same yaml

JPU>> specification that included both interfaces).

JPU>> *iii.   ** ig**noreRoutes* – is this taken into account when

JPU>> scanAllResources=false?

JPU>> *iv.    ** swaggerUiConfig* – What is the correct ‘url’ parameter value

JPU>> (cf. question ‘a’)?

JPU>> b)      What would be the correct URL to generate a swagger.yaml file
JPU> for

JPU>> each of the above interfaces? Initially I called:

JPU>> *i.     **
JPU> <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/accounts**/swagger.yaml*

JPU>> *ii.    **
JPU> <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/**resources/swagger.yaml*

JPU>> *iii.   ** <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/**dienstver*

JPU>> *lener/swagger.yaml*

JPU>>    All three requests delivered the same yaml specification, namely
JPU> the one

JPU>>       for interface* KmopApiServer*?

JPU>> c)      I tried to debug the processing of the requests under ‘b)’ and
JPU> this

JPU>> is done by the class JAXRSInterceptor#processRequest where the

JPU>> MessageImpl object for request “ii.” looks like the one attached.

JPU>> It finds 3 resource

JPU>> classes:

JPU>>    be.dvtm.aeo.op.openapi.api.impl.KmopResourcesApiServiceImpl

JPU>>       org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swagger2ApiListingResource

JPU>>       org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.ui.SwaggerUiService

JPU>> è       It matches the request to resource*
JPU> Swagger2ApiListingResource* with

JPU>> UriInfo={type=[yaml], FINAL_MATCH_GROUP=[/]}} and calling its*

JPU>> process(…)* method.

JPU>> è       Here it seems to go wrong. It generates a SwaggerContextService

JPU>> having basePath=/op/services/resources/,swaggerConfig=null,

JPU>> usePathBasedConfig=null and then calls

JPU>> SwaggerContextService.getSwagger()

JPU>> which returns the Swagger definition for interface KmopApiServer?

JPU>> It looks like it caches generated swagger definitions based on a

JPU>> configIdKey with prefix ’swagger.config.id.xxx’. This key is the

JPU>> same for all 3 interfaces as usePathBasedConfig=null

JPU>> and maps to ‘swagger.config.id.default’. The usePathBasedConfig is

JPU>> derived from the ServletConfig parameter

JPU>> ‘swagger.use.path.based.config’.* So should this be set on the

JPU>> declaration of the CXFServlet** in web.xml?*

JPU>> è       Actually the SwaggerConfig, the JaxrsScanner and the generated
JPU> Swagger

JPU>> are cached using keys like

JPU>> ‘swagger.config.id.[default|baseUriPath]’, ‘

JPU>> scanner.config.id.[default|baseUriPath]’. Caching with ‘baseUriPath’
JPU> is only done when usePathBasedconfig=true.

JPU>> è       If I patch this to true then configIdKey=’

JPU>> swagger.config.id./op/services/resources/’ and no swagger entry is

JPU>> cached for this key so it will generate a new one. Again by

JPU>> patching

JPU>> SwaggerContextService.isUsePathBasedConfigInitParamDefined(sc)=true

JPU>> it will call: “swagger = scan(app, servletContext, sc, uriInfo);”

JPU>> è       Again Scanners are cached and if usePathBasedConfig=null it
JPU> will use

JPU>> the one cached under  ‘swagger.scanner.id.default’ and this again

JPU>> returns the swagger definition for the KmopApiService interface.

JPU>> è       So patching usePathBasedConfig=true will return a new one

JPU>> (DefaultJaxrsScanner). The classes to scan for in this new scanner

JPU>> are ‘ be.dvtm.aeo.op.openapi.api.impl.KmopResourcesApiServiceImpl‘

JPU>> which is correct. It will generate a new (but empty) Swagger object.

JPU>> è       Next Swagger2ApiListingResource will call the

JPU>> customizer.customize(s), which still isn’t putting anything new in

JPU>> the Swagger object. Should it or should the next step do this?

JPU>> è       Next BaseApiListingResource#getListing(…) is called which on
JPU> its

JPU>> turn calls getListingYamlResponse(..)

JPU>> è       The final result is a swagger.yaml document with following
JPU> content:

JPU>>    swagger: "2.0"

JPU>>       info:

JPU>>         license:

JPU>>           name: "Apache 2.0 License"

JPU>>           url: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html

JPU>>       basePath: "/op/services/resources"

JPU>>        So basically an empty swagger file.

JPU>> d)      The usePathBasedConfig is derived from the ServletConfig
JPU> parameter ‘

JPU>> swagger.use.path.based.config’. Without this parameter set to true

JPU>> there will be only one Swaggerconfig, JaxrsScanner and Swagger

JPU>> object.* So should this be set on the declaration of the

JPU>> CXFServlet** in web.xml?*

JPU>> The majority in this processing happens in the library

JPU>> swagger-jaxrs-v1.6.10 which is included as a dependency on
JPU> cxf-rt-rs-service-description-swagger.

JPU>> Even if I patch usePathBasedConfig=true about everywhere where I

JPU>> met this it still doesn’t generate a correct swagger.yaml. Am I

JPU>> still missing some configuration parameter?

JPU>> Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be welcome.

JPU>> Regards,

JPU>> J.P. Urkens

JPU>> <<...>> <<...>>

JPU>> -----Original Message-----

JPU>> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>

JPU>> Sent: maandag 8 mei 2023 23:15

JPU>> To: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>; CXF Dev

JPU>> List <


JPU>> Subject: Re: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

JPU>> Hi Jean,

JPU>> Indeed the way you would like to do that is somewhat tricky.

>>> So I tried to keep the @Path declaration on the interface classes but

JPU>> changed them to @Path(“”). That does seems to work except the

JPU>> swagger stuff no longer correctly works.

JPU>> This is one of the possible options but OpenAPI/Swagger gets

JPU>> confused for a

JPU>> reason: the path is now implicit (not in the spec).

JPU>> So how about this option:

JPU>>  - use only one JAX-RS server (address "/")

JPU>>  - host both resources but use @Path("accounts") and

JPU>> @Path("resources") on them respectively

JPU>> I see that for @Path("accounts") you need to apply the

JPU>> "kmopApiAuthorizationFilter", that could be done using

JPU>> DynamicFeature [1], [2]. If this is not the option and you would

JPU>> prefer to use 2 separate JAX-RS servers, you may need to provide

JPU>> your own instance of Swagger2Customizer [3], [4] which allows to

JPU>> transform the OpenAPI/Swagger on the fly. Please let me know if that
JPU> would it work for you, thank you.

JPU>> [1]

JPU>> https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/ws/rs/container/DynamicF

JPU>> eature.html

JPU>> [2]

JPU>> https://aredko.blogspot.com/2016/02/your-jax-rs-apis-were-not-born-

JPU>> equal.html

JPU>> [3]

JPU>> https://cxf.apache.org/javadoc/latest/org/apache/cxf/jaxrs/swagger/

JPU>> Swagger2Customizer.html

JPU>> [4] https://cxf.apache.org/docs/swagger2feature.html (has

JPU>> customizer

JPU>> property)

JPU>> Best Regards,

JPU>>     Andriy Redko

>>> Hi Andriy,

>>> I am again getting into trouble with server endpoint declarations.

>>> Now

JPU>> because I am adding additional JAX-RS endpoints.

>>> The issue is with:

>>> 1.      The 'address' attribute on the <jaxrs:server> declaration in

JPU>> combination with

>>> 2.      The 'url-pattern' for the CXFServlet declaration in the web.xml

JPU>> in combination with

>>> 3.      The @Path declaration in the interface class in combination with

>>> 4.      The @Path declaration on the interface method in combination with

>>> So what I had is that my web application deployed under baseUlr 'op'

>>> had

JPU>> one JAXRS server endpoint with declarations like:

>>> 1.      <jaxrs:server id="restServer"

JPU>> basePackages="be.dvtm.aeo.op.sodexo" address="/">

>>> 2.      <url-pattern>/services/*</url-pattern>

>>> 3.      @Path("accounts") on the public interface class

>>> 4.      @Path("/{authorisationId}/customerFund") on the customerFund

JPU>> interface method

>>> A valid API call would thus be e.g.:

>>> https://<hostname>:<port>/op/services/accounts/{authorizationId}/cust

>>> o

>>> merFund

>>> And this works correctly.

>>> We're now introducing additional JAX-RS service endpoints and now I

>>> am

JPU>> running into problems. This second endpoint was declared with:

>>> 1.      <jaxrs:server id="resourceServer"

JPU>> basePackages="be.dvtm.aeo.op.resources" address="/">

>>> 2.      <url-pattern>/services/*</url-pattern>

>>> 3.      @Path("resources") on the public interface class

>>> 4.      @Path("/NACE") on the NACE interface method

>>> So here a valid API call woud be:

JPU>> https://<hostname>:<port>/op/services/resources/NACE.

>>> The problem is that I can not declare two <jaxrs:server> entries with

>>> the

JPU>> same ‘address’ as it throws the exception:

>>> Caused by: org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException:

JPU>> There is an endpoint already running on /.

>>>  So I tried changing the addresses to:

>>> ·       address=”accounts” for the restServer

>>> ·       address=”resources” for the resourceServer

>>> But to keep the API-call URLs the same I removed the @Path

>>> declaration on

JPU>> the interface classes. By doing so the <jaxrs:server> bean

JPU>> declarations no longer loads successfully.

>>> So I tried to keep the @Path declaration on the interface classes but

JPU>> changed them to @Path(“”). That does seems to work except the

JPU>> swagger stuff no longer correctly works.

>>> So what is the decent way to setup multiple JAX-RS server endpoints

>>> where

JPU>> each server has its own configuration regarding supported features:

>>> ·       own validation

>>> ·       own object and exception mappings

>>> ·       own swagger file generation

>>> ·       own logging (in separate file if possible)

>>> I am using Apache CXF-3.5.2 which uses swagger-core v1.6.6 in

>>> cooperation

JPU>> with swager-ui v4.5.0.

>>> Below the declarations of my endpoints <<...>> Thanks for any advice.

>>> Regards,

>>> J.P. Urkens

>>> -----Original Message-----

>>> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>

>>> Sent: zaterdag 18 juni 2022 1:12

>>> To: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>;

>>> iss...@cxf.apache.org; dev@cxf.apache.org

>>> Subject: Re: JAXRS server endpoint not gracefully shutdown Hi Jean,

>>>> 1. a jaxrs server  on url: '/<basePath>/services/service1'

>>> Correct, so in the relative form like address="/<something>", the

>>> JAX-RS

JPU>> endpoint path would be:

>>>     <baseUrl>/<servlet path

>>> mapping>/<address>/[@ApplicationPath]/[@Path]

>>> The @ApplicationPath is optional in this case.

>>>> 2. a jaxws service endpoint on '/<basePath>/services/service2'

>>> The JAX-WS is very different from JAX-RS, essentially the action

>>> comes

JPU>> inside the SOAP message behind <baseUrl>/<servlet path mapping>/

JPU>> (@Path / @ApplicationPath are not relevant there).

>>>> Question: Because now address="/" is set for the jaxrs:server will

>>>> it

>>>> also inspect requests targeted for the jaxws service as those

>>>> requests have start with the same path '/<basePath>/services/...

>>> This is a good question, I have not done it myself but I think it

>>> should

JPU>> work:

>>> the servlet dispatches according to registered services, in this

>>> regard

JPU>> JAX-RS and JAX-WS should not conflict. Does it work in your case?
JPU> Thank you.

>>> Best Regards,

>>>     Andriy Redko

>>>> Hi Andriy,

>>>> Using address="/" seems to work but still I don't understand how the

>>>> following work together:

>>>>  - path specification in servlet mapping for the CXF servlet

>>>> (org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet)

>>>>  - the 'address' attribute on the jaxrs:server bean declaration

>>>>  - the javax.ws.rs.Path or javax.jws.WebService annotation on the

>>>> service API description Say I've two services with (relateive to the

>>>> host) url's:

>>>> 1. a jaxrs server  on url: '/<basePath>/services/service1'

>>>> 2. a jaxws service endpoint on '/<basePath>/services/service2'

>>>> How do I configure above 3 aspects? Currently I have (working):

>>>> 1.for the jaxrs:server endpoint:

>>>>         - servlet path mapping: '/services/*'

>>>>                - jaxrs-server address attribute: address="/"

>>>>                - @Path annotation: @Path("service1") 2.For the jaxws

>>>> service endpoint:

>>>>         - servlet path mapping: '/services/*' (JAXWS and JAXRS

>>>> requests are handleb by the same CXF servle)

>>>>                - jaxws:endpoint server address attribute:

>>>> address="/service2"

>>>>                - @WebService(name="service2") A correct request for

>>>> '1' would be '/basePath>/services/service1/<ID>'.

>>>> A correct request for '2' would be '/basePath>/services/service2'.

>>>> The jaxrs/jaxws configuration behavior seem to differ with respect to:

>>>>         - the server address attribute

>>>>         - The API annotation (@Path or @Webservice) The JAXWS server

>>>> address attribute doesn't seem to interfere with the @Webservice

>>>> annotation. While the jaxrs server address attribute does seem to

>>>> interfere with the @Path annotation. I would have expected the jaxrs

>>>> server aspects to be configured as:

>>>>         - servlet path mapping: '/services/*'

>>>>                - jaxrs-server address attribute: address="/service1"

>>>>                - @Path annotation: @Path("service1") but then a

>>>> valid

>>>> request would be

>>>>> /services/service1/service1/<ID>'.

>>>> For both the 'address' attribute is relative to the servlet path.

>>>> The @Path Javadoc mentions that this path is relative to the

>>>> ApplicationPath which thus seems to be relative to the jaxrs-server

>>>> address attribute. As for @Webservice it doesnn't seem to be

>>>> url-path

JPU>> related.

>>>> Question: Because now address="/" is set for the jaxrs:server will

>>>> it

>>>> also inspect requests targeted for the jaxws service as those

>>>> requests have start with the same path '/<basePath>/services/...'.

>>>> Albeit somewhat confusing.

>>>> J.P.

>>>> -----Original Message-----

>>>> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>

>>>> Sent: dinsdag 14 juni 2022 1:08

>>>> To: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>;

>>>> iss...@cxf.apache.org; dev@cxf.apache.org

>>>> Subject: Re: JAXRS server endpoint not gracefully shutdown Hi Jean,

>>>> Indeed, the jaxrs:server does not expect address to be omitted, you

>>>> could use the "/" (and I believe an empty string would also make it):

>>>> <jaxrs:server id="restServer" basePackages="xxx" address="/"> ...

>>>> </jaxrs:server>

>>>> Thank you.

>>>> Hope it helps.

>>>> Best Regards,

>>>>     Andriy Redko

>>>>> I create a JAXRS server endpoint (CXF 3.5.2) using spring bean

>>>>> declarations

>>>>> like:

>>>>>      <jaxrs:server id="restServer" basePackages="xxx">

>>>>>            <jaxrs:serviceBeans>

>>>>>                 <ref bean="TestApi" />

>>>>>            </jaxrs:serviceBeans>

>>>>>            <jaxrs:providers>

>>>>>                 <…/>

>>>>>            </jaxrs:providers>

>>>>>            <jaxrs:features>

>>>>>                 <… />

>>>>>            </jaxrs:features>

>>>>>            <jaxrs:inInterceptors>

>>>>>                 <… />

>>>>>            </jaxrs:inInterceptors>

>>>>>            <jaxrs:outInterceptors>*

>>>>>                 <**…**/>*

>>>>>            </jaxrs:outInterceptors>*

>>>>>      </jaxrs:server>

>>>>> Here my “TestApi” bean interface is declared like:

>>>>>       @Path("accounts")

>>>>>        @Consumes(MediaType.*APPLICATION_JSON*)

>>>>>        @Produces(MediaType.*APPLICATION_JSON*)

>>>>>        public interface TestApi {

>>>>>          …

>>>>>        }

>>>>> And CXF is triggered via a servlet configuration like:

>>>>>      <servlet>

>>>>>              <display-name>CXF Servlet</display-name>

>>>>>              <servlet-name>CXFServlet</servlet-name>

>>>>> <servlet-class>org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet</servle

>>>>> t


>>>>>        </servlet>

>>>>>        <servlet-mapping>

>>>>>              <servlet-name>CXFServlet</servlet-name>

>>>>>              <url-pattern>/services/*</url-pattern>

>>>>>        </servlet-mapping>

>>>>> Because I’ve got the @Path declaration on the interface type I’ve

>>>>> omitted

>>>>> the address=”accounts” attribute on the jaxrs:server declaration

>>>>> since otherwise

>>>>> I noticed that the server would be listening to

>>>>> /basepath/services/ accounts/accounts/…).

>>>>> Now this configuration works perfectly, only when shutting down

>>>>> the application server cxf calls

>>>>>         ServerImpl#destroy()

>>>>> which delegates (via Obeservable) to

>>>>> AbstractHTTPDestination#deactivate()

>>>>> which calls

>>>>> registry.removeDestination(path).

>>>>> This path is null (no ‘address’ specified on jaxrs:server

>>>>> declaration) and results in a NPE on the registry Map.

>>>>> This causes an unclean shutdown of my server.

>>>>> Is this an error in cxf or is my jaxrs:server configured incorrectly?

>>>>> How does the ‘address’ attribute on the jaxrs:server declaration

>>>>> correctly interact with the @Path parameter on the API interface?

JPU>> <<...>>

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