Hi Jean,
You should be able to get access to the Bearer and claims using 
JwtAuthenticationFilter + @Context SecurityContext
The expected type of the security context should be ClaimsSecurityContext, with 
collection of claims being available. 
If the JwtAuthenticationFilter does not work for you (for some reasons), you 
could subclass AbstractJwtAuthenticationFilter.
Hope it helps, thank you.

Best Regards,
    Andriy Redko
> Hi Andriy,

> I am lost in JAXRS JOSE security to figure out how to handle bearer
> authorization. So what I currently did is:
>   1. I created an ContainerRequestFilter to retrieve the Bearer access token
> from the request and query the introspection endpoint which returns the
> JWTClaims
>   2.I added this filter in the Ininterceptor chain

> This works, i.e. the filter is hit and it queries the introspection endpoint
> which returns JWTClaims. The problem is that I need these claims available
> in my service methods and I don't know how to pass them from the
> ContainerRequestFilter to my service method. Thus far I have been looking to
> save the JWTClaims as a property in the ContainerRequestContext  which is
> available in my filter and inject this context in my service methods with
> the @Context annotation. As documented in
> https://cxf.apache.org/docs/jax-rs-basics.html#JAXRSBasics-Contextannotations 
> a
> number of context types can be injected with the @Context annotation but I
> am not sure I can inject a ContainerRequestContext.

> So I annotated my interface method as:
>                 Response getOnderneming(
>                         @HeaderParam("X-KMO-OPERATION-ID") 
> @NotNull(message="ERROR_2121") UUID
> operationId,
>                         @PathParam("kboNr") @NotNull(message="ERROR_2119") 
> @Pattern(regexp =
> "^\\d{10}$",message="ERROR_2216") String kboNr,
>                         @Context ContainerRequestContext ctx);
>  And my implementation method as:
>                 Response getOnderneming(UUID operationId, String kboNr,
> ContainerRequestContext ctx)

> Unfortunately the ctx=null when the implementation method is called.

> So my questions are:
>  1.Is there a way to get the ContainerRequestContext available in my service
> methods?
>  2.If the answer to '1.' Is no how do I pass information constructed in
> request filters to my service methods?
>  3.Generally, is this the correct way to handle bearer authorization? There
> is a lot of stuff in cxf-rt-rs-security-jose-(jaxrs) but I can't really
> figure out how to use it. Anyway it is not sufficient for me to have a
> filter that validates the bearer token. I need the associated 'scope'
> information in my service method as it contains information I'll need in my
> business methods.

> Regards,

> J.P. Urkens

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>
> Sent: donderdag 25 mei 2023 9:48
> To: 'Andriy Redko' <drr...@gmail.com>; 'dev@cxf.apache.org'
> <dev@cxf.apache.org>
> Subject: RE: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

> Hi Andriy,

> The issue seems to be that the Reader is scanning the implementation classes
> while the @SwaggerDefinition (and all other swagger annotations) were on the
> interface class.

> So
> https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/blob/1.5/modules/swagger-jaxrs/src/main/java/io/swagger/jaxrs/Reader.java#L171,
> scanning for @SwaggerDefinition, doesn't get triggered.
> However via
> https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/blob/1.5/modules/swagger-jaxrs/src/main/java/io/swagger/jaxrs/Reader.java#L176,
> through reflection, the remaining swagger annotation information is
> retrieved, just not the @SwaggerDefinition.

> So, I moved the @SwaggerDefintion to the implementation class and now it is
> ok.

> Thanks for the advice,

> J.P.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>
> Sent: donderdag 25 mei 2023 2:27
> To: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>; dev@cxf.apache.org
> Subject: Re: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

> Hi Jean,

> You may run into Swagger JAX-RS scanner limitations, as far as I can tell -
> it checks class annotations for SwaggerDefinition, does not traverse the
> hierarchy [1].

> [1]
> https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/blob/1.5/modules/swagger-jaxrs/src/main/java/io/swagger/jaxrs/Reader.java#L194

> Best Regards,
>     Andriy Redko

>>  RE: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

>> Still one question );

>> The generated swagger file doesn’t take into account the
>> @SwaggerDefintion on my interface classes?

>> As a test I looked at
>> *https://github.com/apache/cxf/tree/3.6.x-fixes/distribution/src/ma
>> in/release/samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_web**
>> and** modified** sample2*
>> <https://github.com/apache/cxf/tree/3.6.x-fixes/distribution/src/ma
>> in/release/samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_web
>> and modified sample2> as follows:

>>    @Path("/sample2")

>>       @Api(value = "/sample2",authorizations=
>>       {@Authorization(value="bearer")},description = "Sample2
> (modified) JAX-RS
>>       service with Swagger documentation")

>>       @SwaggerDefinition(

>>               info = @Info(

>>                       description = "Sample2 server",

>>                       version="1.0",

>>                       title = "Test2",

>>                       contact = @Contact(name = "J.P. Urkens",email = "
>>       *jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com*
> <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>
>>       ")),

>>               securityDefinition =
>>       @SecurityDefinition(apiKeyAuthDefinitions=
> *{@ApiKeyAuthDefinition(key="bearer",in=ApiKeyLocation.HEADER,name="Authorization",description="Use*
>>       <{@ApiKeyAuthDefinition(key=> the format 'Bearer
>>       &lt;accessToken&gt;'")})

>>       )

>>       public class Sample2 {...}

>> This correctly generates the ‘securityDefintions’ in the swagger file.

>> If include the same @SwaggerDefinition and the authorizations on
>> the @Api annotation as above in my interface classes then the
>> generated swagger file doesn’t contain the ‘securityDefintions’ ?

>> Any idea what I might be missing?

>> Regards,

>> J.P.

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>
>> Sent: dinsdag 23 mei 2023 12:52
>> To: 'Andriy Redko' <drr...@gmail.com>; 'dev@cxf.apache.org' <

>> Subject: RE: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

>> Hi Andriy,

>> I added the parameter usePathBasedConfig=true to the
>> Swagger2Feature bean declarations but still it does generate an
>> empty swagger.yaml for interfaces KmopResources and
>> KmopDienstverlener although I noticed that for these interfaces the
>> @Path() annotation was commented out (as I included it in the
>> server declaration). After providing an empty @Path("") declaration on
> the API interface classes everything worked.

>> Thanks for the support.

>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>

>> Sent: dinsdag 23 mei 2023 3:42

>> To: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>;
>> dev@cxf.apache.org

>> Subject: Re: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

>> Hi Jean,

>> The main problem to configure Swagger property in your particular
>> case is that the server address is not "known" or "introspectable" for
> Swagger.
>> Intuitively, it has to be set manually using basePath to the,
>> essentially, the server address

>> part:

>>  - /op/services/accounts

>>  - /op/services/resources

>>  - /op/services/dienstverlener

>> You could read more about other Swagger properties you have asked here:
>> https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/wiki/Swagger-2.X---Inte
>> gration-and-Configuration#configuration-properties

>> You definitely need to set usePathBasedConfig to "true" otherwise
>> you will see the same Swagger specs for all servers. We have a
>> sample here which uses 2 jaxrs:server

>> instances:
>> https://github.com/apache/cxf/tree/3.6.x-fixes/distribution/src/mai
>> n/release/samples/jax_rs/description_swagger2_web

>> Regarding SwaggerUI, I think the value for each of those should be
>> set to,
>> respectively:

>>  - /op/services/accounts/swagger.yaml

>>  - /op/services/resources/swagger.yaml

>>  - /op/services/dienstverlener/swagger.yaml

>> I believe this is matching your settings already, except the
>> usePathBasedConfig part. The example referred above could be
>> helpful, my apologies if I missed something, there are quite a lot
>> of questions :-) The fact that the generated Swagger specification
>> is empty is unexpected - it should not happen when JAX-RS resources are
> properly configured.

>> Thank you.

>> Best Regards,

>>     Andriy Redko

>>>  RE: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

>>> Hi Andriy,

>>> I am not quite understanding how to correctly configure the

>> Swagger2Feature.

>>> Referring to the attached cxf-endpoints configuration I (as a
>>> test)

>>> created

>>> 3 JAXRS server instances:

>>> 1.      A* KmopApiServer* server for the*

>>> be.dvtm.aeo.op.sodexo.api.KmopApiService* interface, serving

>>> requests for URI path:

>>>        * <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/accounts*

>>>    ‘op’  = root path of the web application

>>>             ‘services’ = servlet path of the CXF-servlet

>>>       The address of the server is set to ‘/accounts’ and the
>>> @Path(…)

>>>       annotation on the interface class was cleared.

>>> 2.      A* Kmop**Resources**ApiServer* server for the*
> be.dvtm.aeo.op.*

>>> *openapi.**api.Kmop**Recources**ApiService* interface, serving

>>> requests for URI path:

>>>        * <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/**resources*

>>> The address of the server is set to ‘/resources’ and the @Path(…)

>>> annotation on the interface class was cleared.

>>> 3.      A* Kmop**Dienstverlener**Server* server for the*

>> be.dvtm.aeo.op.*

>>> *openapi**.api.Kmop**Dienstverlener**Service* interface, serving

>>> requests for URI path:

>>>        * <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/**dienstverlener*

>>> The address of the server is set to ‘/dienstverlener’ and the

>>> @Path(…) annotation on the interface class was cleared.

>>> For each of these server instances I’ve set the Swagger2Feature

>>> with configuration as indicated in the attached cxf-endpoints.xml.

>>> With regard to the configurations for the Swagger2Feature I’ve the

>>> following questions:

>>> a)      Referring to
> *https://cxf.apache.org/docs/swagger2feature.html*

>>> <https://cxf.apache.org/docs/swagger2feature.html>  could you

>>> clarify on the following configuration parameters:

>>> *i.     ** basePath* – Is this the path to the CXFServlet context (‘

>>> /op/services’) or to the JAX-RS server instance (e.g.

>>> ‘/op/services/accounts’) or still something else? Is it used to

>>> resolve service classes or is it just for documentation in the
>>> swagger

>> file?

>>> *ii.    ** resourcePackage* – the description mentions ‘package names’

>>> while the default mentions ‘service classes’? Service 2 and 3
>>> above

>>> are within the same package (generated from the same yaml

>>> specification that included both interfaces).

>>> *iii.   ** ig**noreRoutes* – is this taken into account when

>>> scanAllResources=false?

>>> *iv.    ** swaggerUiConfig* – What is the correct ‘url’ parameter
> value

>>> (cf. question ‘a’)?

>>> b)      What would be the correct URL to generate a swagger.yaml file

>> for

>>> each of the above interfaces? Initially I called:

>>> *i.     **

>> <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/accounts**/swagger.yaml*

>>> *ii.    **

>> <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/**resources/swagger.yaml*

>>> *iii.   ** <protocol>**//<host:<port>/op/services/**dienstver*

>>> *lener/swagger.yaml*

>>>    All three requests delivered the same yaml specification,
>>> namely

>> the one

>>>       for interface* KmopApiServer*?

>>> c)      I tried to debug the processing of the requests under ‘b)’ and

>> this

>>> is done by the class JAXRSInterceptor#processRequest where the

>>> MessageImpl object for request “ii.” looks like the one attached.

>>> It finds 3 resource

>>> classes:

>>>    be.dvtm.aeo.op.openapi.api.impl.KmopResourcesApiServiceImpl

>>>       org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.Swagger2ApiListingResource

>>>       org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.swagger.ui.SwaggerUiService

>>> è       It matches the request to resource*

>> Swagger2ApiListingResource* with

>>> UriInfo={type=[yaml], FINAL_MATCH_GROUP=[/]}} and calling its*

>>> process(…)* method.

>>> è       Here it seems to go wrong. It generates a
> SwaggerContextService

>>> having basePath=/op/services/resources/,swaggerConfig=null,

>>> usePathBasedConfig=null and then calls

>>> SwaggerContextService.getSwagger()

>>> which returns the Swagger definition for interface KmopApiServer?

>>> It looks like it caches generated swagger definitions based on a

>>> configIdKey with prefix ’swagger.config.id.xxx’. This key is the

>>> same for all 3 interfaces as usePathBasedConfig=null

>>> and maps to ‘swagger.config.id.default’. The usePathBasedConfig is

>>> derived from the ServletConfig parameter

>>> ‘swagger.use.path.based.config’.* So should this be set on the

>>> declaration of the CXFServlet** in web.xml?*

>>> è       Actually the SwaggerConfig, the JaxrsScanner and the generated

>> Swagger

>>> are cached using keys like

>>> ‘swagger.config.id.[default|baseUriPath]’, ‘

>>> scanner.config.id.[default|baseUriPath]’. Caching with ‘baseUriPath’

>> is only done when usePathBasedconfig=true.

>>> è       If I patch this to true then configIdKey=’

>>> swagger.config.id./op/services/resources/’ and no swagger entry is

>>> cached for this key so it will generate a new one. Again by

>>> patching

>>> SwaggerContextService.isUsePathBasedConfigInitParamDefined(sc)=tru
>>> e

>>> it will call: “swagger = scan(app, servletContext, sc, uriInfo);”

>>> è       Again Scanners are cached and if usePathBasedConfig=null it

>> will use

>>> the one cached under  ‘swagger.scanner.id.default’ and this again

>>> returns the swagger definition for the KmopApiService interface.

>>> è       So patching usePathBasedConfig=true will return a new one

>>> (DefaultJaxrsScanner). The classes to scan for in this new scanner

>>> are ‘ be.dvtm.aeo.op.openapi.api.impl.KmopResourcesApiServiceImpl‘

>>> which is correct. It will generate a new (but empty) Swagger object.

>>> è       Next Swagger2ApiListingResource will call the

>>> customizer.customize(s), which still isn’t putting anything new in

>>> the Swagger object. Should it or should the next step do this?

>>> è       Next BaseApiListingResource#getListing(…) is called which on

>> its

>>> turn calls getListingYamlResponse(..)

>>> è       The final result is a swagger.yaml document with following

>> content:

>>>    swagger: "2.0"

>>>       info:

>>>         license:

>>>           name: "Apache 2.0 License"

>>>           url: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html

>>>       basePath: "/op/services/resources"

>>>        So basically an empty swagger file.

>>> d)      The usePathBasedConfig is derived from the ServletConfig

>> parameter ‘

>>> swagger.use.path.based.config’. Without this parameter set to true

>>> there will be only one Swaggerconfig, JaxrsScanner and Swagger

>>> object.* So should this be set on the declaration of the

>>> CXFServlet** in web.xml?*

>>> The majority in this processing happens in the library

>>> swagger-jaxrs-v1.6.10 which is included as a dependency on

>> cxf-rt-rs-service-description-swagger.

>>> Even if I patch usePathBasedConfig=true about everywhere where I

>>> met this it still doesn’t generate a correct swagger.yaml. Am I

>>> still missing some configuration parameter?

>>> Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be welcome.

>>> Regards,

>>> J.P. Urkens

>>> <<...>> <<...>>

>>> -----Original Message-----

>>> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>

>>> Sent: maandag 8 mei 2023 23:15

>>> To: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>; CXF Dev

>>> List <

>>> Subject: Re: How to setup multiple JAXRS server endpoints

>>> Hi Jean,

>>> Indeed the way you would like to do that is somewhat tricky.

>>>> So I tried to keep the @Path declaration on the interface classes
>>>> but

>>> changed them to @Path(“”). That does seems to work except the

>>> swagger stuff no longer correctly works.

>>> This is one of the possible options but OpenAPI/Swagger gets

>>> confused for a

>>> reason: the path is now implicit (not in the spec).

>>> So how about this option:

>>>  - use only one JAX-RS server (address "/")

>>>  - host both resources but use @Path("accounts") and

>>> @Path("resources") on them respectively

>>> I see that for @Path("accounts") you need to apply the

>>> "kmopApiAuthorizationFilter", that could be done using

>>> DynamicFeature [1], [2]. If this is not the option and you would

>>> prefer to use 2 separate JAX-RS servers, you may need to provide

>>> your own instance of Swagger2Customizer [3], [4] which allows to

>>> transform the OpenAPI/Swagger on the fly. Please let me know if
>>> that

>> would it work for you, thank you.

>>> [1]

>>> https://docs.oracle.com/javaee/7/api/javax/ws/rs/container/Dynamic
>>> F

>>> eature.html

>>> [2]

>>> https://aredko.blogspot.com/2016/02/your-jax-rs-apis-were-not-born
>>> -

>>> equal.html

>>> [3]

>>> https://cxf.apache.org/javadoc/latest/org/apache/cxf/jaxrs/swagger
>>> /

>>> Swagger2Customizer.html

>>> [4] https://cxf.apache.org/docs/swagger2feature.html (has

>>> customizer

>>> property)

>>> Best Regards,

>>>     Andriy Redko

>>>> Hi Andriy,

>>>> I am again getting into trouble with server endpoint declarations.

>>>> Now

>>> because I am adding additional JAX-RS endpoints.

>>>> The issue is with:

>>>> 1.      The 'address' attribute on the <jaxrs:server> declaration in

>>> combination with

>>>> 2.      The 'url-pattern' for the CXFServlet declaration in the web.xml

>>> in combination with

>>>> 3.      The @Path declaration in the interface class in combination with

>>>> 4.      The @Path declaration on the interface method in combination
>>>> with

>>>> So what I had is that my web application deployed under baseUlr 'op'

>>>> had

>>> one JAXRS server endpoint with declarations like:

>>>> 1.      <jaxrs:server id="restServer"

>>> basePackages="be.dvtm.aeo.op.sodexo" address="/">

>>>> 2.      <url-pattern>/services/*</url-pattern>

>>>> 3.      @Path("accounts") on the public interface class

>>>> 4.      @Path("/{authorisationId}/customerFund") on the customerFund

>>> interface method

>>>> A valid API call would thus be e.g.:

>>>> https://<hostname>:<port>/op/services/accounts/{authorizationId}/cus
>>>> t

>>>> o

>>>> merFund

>>>> And this works correctly.

>>>> We're now introducing additional JAX-RS service endpoints and now I

>>>> am

>>> running into problems. This second endpoint was declared with:

>>>> 1.      <jaxrs:server id="resourceServer"

>>> basePackages="be.dvtm.aeo.op.resources" address="/">

>>>> 2.      <url-pattern>/services/*</url-pattern>

>>>> 3.      @Path("resources") on the public interface class

>>>> 4.      @Path("/NACE") on the NACE interface method

>>>> So here a valid API call woud be:

>>> https://<hostname>:<port>/op/services/resources/NACE.

>>>> The problem is that I can not declare two <jaxrs:server> entries
>>>> with

>>>> the

>>> same ‘address’ as it throws the exception:

>>>> Caused by: org.apache.cxf.service.factory.ServiceConstructionException:

>>> There is an endpoint already running on /.

>>>>  So I tried changing the addresses to:

>>>> ·       address=”accounts” for the restServer

>>>> ·       address=”resources” for the resourceServer

>>>> But to keep the API-call URLs the same I removed the @Path

>>>> declaration on

>>> the interface classes. By doing so the <jaxrs:server> bean

>>> declarations no longer loads successfully.

>>>> So I tried to keep the @Path declaration on the interface classes
>>>> but

>>> changed them to @Path(“”). That does seems to work except the

>>> swagger stuff no longer correctly works.

>>>> So what is the decent way to setup multiple JAX-RS server endpoints

>>>> where

>>> each server has its own configuration regarding supported features:

>>>> ·       own validation

>>>> ·       own object and exception mappings

>>>> ·       own swagger file generation

>>>> ·       own logging (in separate file if possible)

>>>> I am using Apache CXF-3.5.2 which uses swagger-core v1.6.6 in

>>>> cooperation

>>> with swager-ui v4.5.0.

>>>> Below the declarations of my endpoints <<...>> Thanks for any advice.

>>>> Regards,

>>>> J.P. Urkens

>>>> -----Original Message-----

>>>> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>

>>>> Sent: zaterdag 18 juni 2022 1:12

>>>> To: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>;

>>>> iss...@cxf.apache.org; dev@cxf.apache.org

>>>> Subject: Re: JAXRS server endpoint not gracefully shutdown Hi Jean,

>>>>> 1. a jaxrs server  on url: '/<basePath>/services/service1'

>>>> Correct, so in the relative form like address="/<something>", the

>>>> JAX-RS

>>> endpoint path would be:

>>>>     <baseUrl>/<servlet path


>>>> The @ApplicationPath is optional in this case.

>>>>> 2. a jaxws service endpoint on '/<basePath>/services/service2'

>>>> The JAX-WS is very different from JAX-RS, essentially the action

>>>> comes

>>> inside the SOAP message behind <baseUrl>/<servlet path mapping>/

>>> (@Path / @ApplicationPath are not relevant there).

>>>>> Question: Because now address="/" is set for the jaxrs:server will

>>>>> it

>>>>> also inspect requests targeted for the jaxws service as those

>>>>> requests have start with the same path '/<basePath>/services/...

>>>> This is a good question, I have not done it myself but I think it

>>>> should

>>> work:

>>>> the servlet dispatches according to registered services, in this

>>>> regard

>>> JAX-RS and JAX-WS should not conflict. Does it work in your case?

>> Thank you.

>>>> Best Regards,

>>>>     Andriy Redko

>>>>> Hi Andriy,

>>>>> Using address="/" seems to work but still I don't understand how
>>>>> the

>>>>> following work together:

>>>>>  - path specification in servlet mapping for the CXF servlet

>>>>> (org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet)

>>>>>  - the 'address' attribute on the jaxrs:server bean declaration

>>>>>  - the javax.ws.rs.Path or javax.jws.WebService annotation on the

>>>>> service API description Say I've two services with (relateive to
>>>>> the

>>>>> host) url's:

>>>>> 1. a jaxrs server  on url: '/<basePath>/services/service1'

>>>>> 2. a jaxws service endpoint on '/<basePath>/services/service2'

>>>>> How do I configure above 3 aspects? Currently I have (working):

>>>>> 1.for the jaxrs:server endpoint:

>>>>>         - servlet path mapping: '/services/*'

>>>>>                - jaxrs-server address attribute: address="/"

>>>>>                - @Path annotation: @Path("service1") 2.For the
>>>>> jaxws

>>>>> service endpoint:

>>>>>         - servlet path mapping: '/services/*' (JAXWS and JAXRS

>>>>> requests are handleb by the same CXF servle)

>>>>>                - jaxws:endpoint server address attribute:

>>>>> address="/service2"

>>>>>                - @WebService(name="service2") A correct request for

>>>>> '1' would be '/basePath>/services/service1/<ID>'.

>>>>> A correct request for '2' would be '/basePath>/services/service2'.

>>>>> The jaxrs/jaxws configuration behavior seem to differ with respect to:

>>>>>         - the server address attribute

>>>>>         - The API annotation (@Path or @Webservice) The JAXWS
>>>>> server

>>>>> address attribute doesn't seem to interfere with the @Webservice

>>>>> annotation. While the jaxrs server address attribute does seem to

>>>>> interfere with the @Path annotation. I would have expected the
>>>>> jaxrs

>>>>> server aspects to be configured as:

>>>>>         - servlet path mapping: '/services/*'

>>>>>                - jaxrs-server address attribute: address="/service1"

>>>>>                - @Path annotation: @Path("service1") but then a

>>>>> valid

>>>>> request would be

>>>>>> /services/service1/service1/<ID>'.

>>>>> For both the 'address' attribute is relative to the servlet path.

>>>>> The @Path Javadoc mentions that this path is relative to the

>>>>> ApplicationPath which thus seems to be relative to the jaxrs-server

>>>>> address attribute. As for @Webservice it doesnn't seem to be

>>>>> url-path

>>> related.

>>>>> Question: Because now address="/" is set for the jaxrs:server will

>>>>> it

>>>>> also inspect requests targeted for the jaxws service as those

>>>>> requests have start with the same path '/<basePath>/services/...'.

>>>>> Albeit somewhat confusing.

>>>>> J.P.

>>>>> -----Original Message-----

>>>>> From: Andriy Redko <drr...@gmail.com>

>>>>> Sent: dinsdag 14 juni 2022 1:08

>>>>> To: Jean Pierre URKENS <jean-pierre.urk...@devoteam.com>;

>>>>> iss...@cxf.apache.org; dev@cxf.apache.org

>>>>> Subject: Re: JAXRS server endpoint not gracefully shutdown Hi Jean,

>>>>> Indeed, the jaxrs:server does not expect address to be omitted, you

>>>>> could use the "/" (and I believe an empty string would also make it):

>>>>> <jaxrs:server id="restServer" basePackages="xxx" address="/"> ...

>>>>> </jaxrs:server>

>>>>> Thank you.

>>>>> Hope it helps.

>>>>> Best Regards,

>>>>>     Andriy Redko

>>>>>> I create a JAXRS server endpoint (CXF 3.5.2) using spring bean

>>>>>> declarations

>>>>>> like:

>>>>>>      <jaxrs:server id="restServer" basePackages="xxx">

>>>>>>            <jaxrs:serviceBeans>

>>>>>>                 <ref bean="TestApi" />

>>>>>>            </jaxrs:serviceBeans>

>>>>>>            <jaxrs:providers>

>>>>>>                 <…/>

>>>>>>            </jaxrs:providers>

>>>>>>            <jaxrs:features>

>>>>>>                 <… />

>>>>>>            </jaxrs:features>

>>>>>>            <jaxrs:inInterceptors>

>>>>>>                 <… />

>>>>>>            </jaxrs:inInterceptors>

>>>>>>            <jaxrs:outInterceptors>*

>>>>>>                 <**…**/>*

>>>>>>            </jaxrs:outInterceptors>*

>>>>>>      </jaxrs:server>

>>>>>> Here my “TestApi” bean interface is declared like:

>>>>>>       @Path("accounts")

>>>>>>        @Consumes(MediaType.*APPLICATION_JSON*)

>>>>>>        @Produces(MediaType.*APPLICATION_JSON*)

>>>>>>        public interface TestApi {

>>>>>>          …

>>>>>>        }

>>>>>> And CXF is triggered via a servlet configuration like:

>>>>>>      <servlet>

>>>>>>              <display-name>CXF Servlet</display-name>

>>>>>>              <servlet-name>CXFServlet</servlet-name>

>>>>>> <servlet-class>org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet</servle

>>>>>> t

>>>>>>        </servlet>

>>>>>>        <servlet-mapping>

>>>>>>              <servlet-name>CXFServlet</servlet-name>

>>>>>>              <url-pattern>/services/*</url-pattern>

>>>>>>        </servlet-mapping>

>>>>>> Because I’ve got the @Path declaration on the interface type I’ve

>>>>>> omitted

>>>>>> the address=”accounts” attribute on the jaxrs:server declaration

>>>>>> since otherwise

>>>>>> I noticed that the server would be listening to

>>>>>> /basepath/services/ accounts/accounts/…).

>>>>>> Now this configuration works perfectly, only when shutting down

>>>>>> the application server cxf calls

>>>>>>         ServerImpl#destroy()

>>>>>> which delegates (via Obeservable) to

>>>>>> AbstractHTTPDestination#deactivate()

>>>>>> which calls

>>>>>> registry.removeDestination(path).

>>>>>> This path is null (no ‘address’ specified on jaxrs:server

>>>>>> declaration) and results in a NPE on the registry Map.

>>>>>> This causes an unclean shutdown of my server.

>>>>>> Is this an error in cxf or is my jaxrs:server configured incorrectly?

>>>>>> How does the ‘address’ attribute on the jaxrs:server declaration

>>>>>> correctly interact with the @Path parameter on the API interface?

>>> <<...>>

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