Hi Andrew,

> While loading a form using a macro, the form disappears as soon as the 
> macro finishes unless I store a reference to the form definition outside 
> of the subroutine that loads the form.
> ...
> Is this a bug that I should report?

Yes, please do. Forcing API developers to hold the definition object
alive to keep the document open sounds ... inconvinient to me, at least.

side notes:

- Passing an ActiveConnection to the loadComponentFromURL call should
  not be necessary (if I'm not wrong) - any reasons you do so? Did it
  cause problems when you didn't?

- instead of doing a loadComponentFromURL, you should also be able to
  do a (shorter?)
    oFormDoc = oFormDef.execute( _
      "openDesign", oFormDef.createCommandIdentifier(), _
      <some_null_arg> )
  because a document definition is also a UCB content.

- your macro creates a connection, but does not dispose it anywhere,
  which is a resource leak. I hope that this is just because you
  shortened the macro :)

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Database                   http://dba.openoffice.org -
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