I have downloaded yesterday OO2_RC3 but the following problem I encountered previously persists:
- Following a message in the newsgroup of OO I evn downloaded JRE 1.4.2 although I have allready installed 1.5 in my computer. Although OO regognises the JRE and the class of "mysql-connector-java-3.1.10", when I close the program and reopen it the driver and the JRE do not appear  in the list any more. The same happens when I select JRE 1.5 or 1.1 etc. (I think that others have encountered the same problem)
- When I try the test class button the system crushes.
- Base wizards (Form, Report etc) are inactive with my My Sql db and when importing a file from MS Access
- Greek characters are not displayed although the base display is UTF-8
Is there any hope or shall I just give up trying to use OO Base

Thanks again

O/H Andrew Douglas Pitonyak έγραψε:

This is what I did....

Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος wrote:

Sorry  again,
can anyone recommend a step to step guide to JDBC driver for OO2. I tried to find one, but they are refering to the 1.x editions and the interface has changed and not being a programmer, and not having any knowledge of Java, I am honestly limited to following prescribed steps.
Thanks again


O/H Andrew Douglas Pitonyak έγραψε:

Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος wrote:

I would like to ask help concerning some problems I encounter with BASE.
-When I import a My Sql db through ODBC it takes a long time to to load the tables and sometimes it crushes, greek characters are not displayed although the encoding  of the source is in UTF 8.
- I have been trying to create a form in a My Sql file imported to Base
through an Odbc driver but the system crushes every time I reach the last
step to create the form.
-All the programs of the suite are
connected in a way that when one hangs you, the same happen to all the
others that you use on the same time.

I allready posted these problems but I didn't receive an answer. I have downloaded RC2 today but this bugs persist.

Thank you
Yannis Papadopoulos

Previsouly, I could NOT talk to MySQL using ODBC. I was able to talk to Paradox using ODBC. So, I installed the JDBC driver, and that worked with no problems. Today, I installed a new ODBC driver, and that worked with a .NET program, I can not comment on OOo, because I did not try it. The point, however, is simply that if you can, you might want to try the JDBC driver.

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Re: [dba-dev] My Sql
Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sun, 16 Oct 2005 14:38:13 +0300
Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thank you so much for the e-mail and the instructions. I really feel indebted and please excuse me to bother you once more. I have tried to follow the steps you prescribe and following a message in the newsgroup of OO I evn downloaded JRE 1.4.2 although I have allready installed 1.5 in my computer. The problem is that in step 3. Although OO regognises the JRE and the class of "mysql-connector-java-3.1.10", when I close the program and reopen it the driver and the JRE do not appear  in the list any more. The same happens when I select JRE 1.5 or 1.1 etc. Is there a bug? I uninstalled and reinstalled OO2_RC2 but to no avail. The problem persists. Any suggestions?

Thanks again

O/H Andrew Douglas Pitonyak έγραψε:

This is what I did....

Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος wrote:

Sorry  again,
can anyone recommend a step to step guide to JDBC driver for OO2. I tried to find one, but they are refering to the 1.x editions and the interface has changed and not being a programmer, and not having any knowledge of Java, I am honestly limited to following prescribed steps.
Thanks again


O/H Andrew Douglas Pitonyak έγραψε:

Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος wrote:

I would like to ask help concerning some problems I encounter with BASE.
-When I import a My Sql db through ODBC it takes a long time to to load the tables and sometimes it crushes, greek characters are not displayed although the encoding  of the source is in UTF 8.
- I have been trying to create a form in a My Sql file imported to Base
through an Odbc driver but the system crushes every time I reach the last
step to create the form.
-All the programs of the suite are
connected in a way that when one hangs you, the same happen to all the
others that you use on the same time.

I allready posted these problems but I didn't receive an answer. I have downloaded RC2 today but this bugs persist.

Thank you
Yannis Papadopoulos

Previsouly, I could NOT talk to MySQL using ODBC. I was able to talk to Paradox using ODBC. So, I installed the JDBC driver, and that worked with no problems. Today, I installed a new ODBC driver, and that worked with a .NET program, I can not comment on OOo, because I did not try it. The point, however, is simply that if you can, you might want to try the JDBC driver.

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