Hi Josh,

> Of course, now that Sun is the official lead sponsor of the Derby/JavaDB 
> project, they want to use it for OOo-Base.   I've been asked to raise the 
> issue here, namely:
> "What would it take to get OOo to switch from HSQLDB to JavaDB?"
> Significant assistance from the Sun Derby team, including migration and 
> tools, 
> is not at all out of the question.  So what are the reasons not to switch?   
> What's the costs?

In short: Credits in the user base.

In long, it's more complex than this. Of course.

One thing I mentioned here quite some time ago, when I was asked what's
the future of HSQLDB in OOo, is the following: I don't have any
intention to ship OOo with a different database engine every second
release. I consider reliability - people should know what to expect from
their product - a major item.

It's not that we do not have experience with this kind of thing ... When
I started working for StarOffice, it had a third party database engine
licensed from a company whose name just slippes my mind :). Two releases
later, we gave it up (for good reasons) and shipped with Adabas D.
Currently, we're shipping SO with Adabas D and HSQLDB. That kind of
thing - the constant need for migration, the constant adaptions to
quirks of the "current engine" - is no fun at all. And, worse, it
doesn't give the user the feeling of reliability, because with every
change, we start over from scratch.

All that said, I, as project owner of Base, don't have any intention to
switch from HSQLDB to another engine.

On the short term, I cannot rule out that we at least ship OOo with
Derby/JavaDB as alternative. On the medium term, I cannot rule out that
there's an decision to use Derby/JavaDB as default engine.

But at the very moment, with the very limited developer resources we
have in the Base project, I don't think it's a good idea to spend those
resources to integrate "Yet Another Database Engine" (no offense
intended at all), just to have basically the same situation / feature
set as before.

Of course, if somebody else volunteers to spend resources for this
project, we certainly won't block this (as you can see in [1]). What I
*would* try to block is making Derby/JavaDB the default engine by
tomorrow, for the reasons mentioned above.

The fact that I work for Sun, and Sun is the main sponsor of the Derby
project, doesn't change this. It just means that it's possible that I'll
be overruled Sun-internally ;)

Okay, so far for the "reasons not to switch", with some small digressions :)

For the costs: Certainly some implementations have to be done on Derby
side, whose costs I cannot judge, but I am sure they'd be willing to
provide all needed assistance. On OOo side, writing a driver for an
"embedded Derby" would take guestimated 2 man months for a halfway
experienced developer.

Plus, if we're really talking about a switch and not just an
alternative, the political decision to do so. As said, I'd oppose such a
decision, until convinced or overruled.

Does this answer your questions?



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