>Phillip L. Kesler wrote:
>> Is there an add-on, or export function that is being worked on to
>> export to other formats?

A first release of a contrib CSV Export extension 
(http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/CSV_export ) was 
releasedapproximaitly 6 months ago, work on the next release has finaly begun 
again, after a 5 month sebbatical, I am hoping to release the next verson of 
this in the next 7 to 10 days. The wiki page will beupdated at that time.

>It's a waste of time developing export routines for a multitude of
>different formats, particularly formats such as Access' mdb file that
>Daniel Kasak
Not sure I agree with you there, I don't see it as a waste of time, per se - 
but I agree that the target will always be changing in two party conversation 
utilities such as this.

Drew Jensen

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