Hi Andrew,

Andrew Jensen escribió:
Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
Hi Andrew,

Andrew Jensen escribió:
Which brings me to another idea I had: Just disallow macros in
forms/reports, only allow them in the database. This would solve most of
the problems :)

This would be a great idea!!! This was what I thought when I knew that ODB doc. will have macros: bye bye macros in forms!!!

Ariel, I believe you are

well...I just said what *I* thought when I knew that ODB doc. will support scripting (macros/other [non-]scripting languages): once *I* am sure everything works fine, *I* will never again waste my time writing code to store in the form's libraries (and by the way, I'm not writing new code in OOoBasic for my personal use anymore: I have my Java Helper Classes that make my OOo API programming just as easy as programming with Basic - and I dare to say even more, and more powerful, of course)

That's what I find useful for *me* with this new feature.
What will be best for the user? Well ... I'm not a user-experience specialist (this is a Uni.-specialization I'm not interested in)... I can just speak form my experience as a user, and with other users



I'm sorry if I offended you somehow...just thought we where bouncing ideas around.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You didn't offend me at all!
Did you get this impression form my mail? If so, please sorry (just
remember that I speak Spanish - better said Castilian - and my
awful-English could have give the wrong impression).

In the first paragraph, I just thought I wasn't clear about
"disallowing" macros in forms: my personal opinion is never again to
embed code inside forms once we can store at the odb doc. level.

In the last paragraph, I was just pointing my own lack of knowledge on
this topic: I know C/C++/Java (and other programming languages), but
developing software (not just for fun, but in something serious as OOo)
is something completely different and requires other skills I lack off,
and OOo has an own team for that (the User Exp. team), all I can say
here is just my experience as user, I can't give a professional view on
this topic.

So, is it a good idea to "disallow" them? I'm not sure... well... if you
disallow them form one version to another the user can be surprised
(maybe annoyed).

If I could foresee the "future", I'd say this will be end: forms will
become useless as soon as the user realizes what he is able to do with a
"DataAwareUnoControlDialog" or whatever name Frank's vision will have,
and as they become "useless" we won't miss macros in forms

My personal opinion: I HATE forms ... well... don't know if this is the
right word, let's say I don't like them: their behavior sometimes is
very annoying (Frank's points in his spec. are completely right - and we
can think of a few more points against form-docs vs.

But this future is thousand miles away (is this correct English :-( ).
Lot of things must be done, not only from this project's side:
where will the "common" user design the "DataAwareUnoControlDialog"? If
the answer is in the IDE's dialog designer, there will be a lot of
enhancements required.
An example: Have you ever tried the NetBeans IDE and its facilities to
graphicaly design Java AWT/Swing, or KDevDesigner/Qt Designer? they all
have facilities for laying out components.
 The "common" user is used to "draw" controls, and can't be thrown to
the IDE's Dialog designer just like that: it does not even have grid,
snap lines, moving guides, etc...

now we all design dialogs in this situation... but are the form-user and
the Basic-dialog-user the same? or the first one is a more "common" one?
 he can make a form-doc. work -- a one with a very basic functionality
-- without any macro-programming at all, just "drawing" cantrols .
Again, these are only thoughts, I'm not sure, but they seem to be two
different kind of users.

Well.. that's all (we were talking about "embedding macros in ODB files"
not about future plans! sorry for changing the subject )


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



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        macht mich härter."
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