In the current implementation of the CommandButton, we have some basic functionality with the FormButtonType,and we can 
set the  TargetURL  to ".uno:FormController/moveToPrev", ".uno:FormController/refreshForm", etc... 
So a new action like ".uno:OpenForm/[MyFormsFolder/]MyFormName" won't be difficult to implement (a respective 
enhancement should be done in the "Properties" tab to add a list box to choose a form/report to open).

[Isn't there a RFE for this? I'm gonna look...]

I answer myself:

Surprisingly, this issue has no votes! Where were all the users asking for a Docmd.OpenForm-like feature? I will send everyone who asks me about this to see (and vote) for it!


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina


"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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