Hello people,

in the following address


you can find a Scripting Framework example using a Java "macro" to test
in DatabaseDocument/s. You have to unzip and store the folder inside
your OOo user dir. user/Scripts/java and restart OOo to deploy it.
Inside this folder you will also find an ODB with the JAR embedded.

To debug the example you can create a NB project out of it. How to do
this in a "simple" way, is explained in a "tutorial" at


In short, I recreated Frank's OOo Basic test in Java , into a version to
store in the user's dir (user/Scripts/java/HelloODB) and a version
embedded in an ODB.

Some comments:

* in the program there is a main method: you can run the program from
the NB IDE to test it, it will bootstrap the office (in order to
bootstrap the right version you must set the right JARs!). As a client
application it will get the XDesktop and then get the current frame...
yes, I know that it is no good, but it's the only way
for a client app. that does not load the document first in order to get
an XComponent reference directly.

* the whole program relies on Frank's dialog('s design) in the user's
Standard library: the dialog's URL, the dialog's name, the control
names, all are used as constant literals; so if you changed something,
it won't work (a better idea would have been to create my own dialog or
clone Frank's, but ...)

* how I implemented the whole thing will require a complex explanation
(you will find it better in the Dev's Guide 19. Scripting Framework); in
short I used the Scripting Framework API, and tried to work ONLY from
XScriptContext.getDocument(). XScriptContext has also a method
getDesktop(), but I assume it is intended to load components in an easy
way, and not to use getter methods like getCurrentXxx() [although
undocumented, these are OS-dependent and thus unpredictable, at least
this is what I read/heard :-( ]

Before testing the code, I thought that XScriptContext.getDocument()
(which returns an XModel reference) will return null when invoked from a
db module that has no XModel (like the DataSourceBrowser, the
QueryDesigner). But in fact, some examples show a different behavior if
you invoke a method embedded in the ODB or in the user's dir:

1. open the table "names"
2. from it, open the dialog Tools - Macros - Run macro - Macro selector
3.1.  if you run the Java method globalHello in user's
      XScriptContext.getDocument() returns NULL, so I use
      XScriptContext.getDesktop().getCurrentFrame() to identify
      the module, and the result is css.sdb.DataSourceBrowser
3.2.  if you run the Java method localHello embedded in the ODB
      XScriptContext.getDocument() returns an XModel reference
      to the css.sdb.OfficeDatabaseDocument (the dialog will be
      executed with the app. main container window as parent
      because the XModel is not null and so I instantiate the
      DialogProvider  with it as argument -- I could avoid this,
      but I wanted to stress how the Scripting Framework's
      XScriptContext.getDocument() works like ThisDatabaseDocument
      even if invoked from the DSBrowser)

here this begin to get more complicated, and it makes really a
difference the OS, and if you are debugging or just running the Java macro.
For example, I left an exception I got only on Windows without
debugging, to see if other's can reproduce it.
Anyway exceptions are caught an the stack trace printed on a JPanel.

I still didn't have the time to test it deeply, but at first sight some
thing seems issues (for example, invoking from toolbars is impossible).

A very premature conclusion seems to be that here to a second method
besides XScriptContext.getDocument() is needed: getDocument() returns an
XModel, and certain db-related modules have no model; and getting a
reference using XDesktop.getCurrentXxxx() is completely discouraged: you
can read as@ comment in

Using of any API related to the focus (getActiveFrame(),
getCurrentComponent() etc) should be supressed. It works sometimes ...
but not always and even not on all platforms in the same way. Its always
better to make thinks more explicit. You can travel the frames
hierarchie .. analyzing controlls/models to find the right (in your
example forms) component - and it will work always.

and the very hidden comment in Dev's Guide 20. GUI
There are several ways to retrieve a frame. The easiest way to retrieve
a frame is to query the frame that has the focus: [...]
XDesktop.getCurrentFrame() [...] This should only be used for debugging
purposes. The method getCurrentFrame is based on the implementation of
the window handler of the operating system and you cannot be sure that
the returned frame is always the desired one on all supported platforms,
or that a valid frame is returned at all.

It looks like there should be a way in the Scripting Framework to get
the controller or the frame of the DSBrowser, for example, without using


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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