Hi Ariel,

> you can find a Scripting Framework example using a Java "macro" to test
> in DatabaseDocument/s. You have to unzip and store the folder inside
> your OOo user dir. user/Scripts/java and restart OOo to deploy it.
> Inside this folder you will also find an ODB with the JAR embedded.

interesting, you picked the least-obvious "scripting language" to test,
given that Java is the only one which has no UI for editing the "scripts".
That's a good thing, actually :)

> DataSourceBrowser:

(note to myself: play more with the DataSourceBrowser in a Writer/Calc
document, this was not on my list so far. note to Ariel: thanks for the

> 1. open the table "names"
> 2. from it, open the dialog Tools - Macros - Run macro - Macro selector
> 3.1.  if you run the Java method globalHello in user's
>        Script/java/HelloODB
>        XScriptContext.getDocument() returns NULL, so I use
>        XScriptContext.getDesktop().getCurrentFrame() to identify
>        the module, and the result is css.sdb.DataSourceBrowser
> 3.2.  if you run the Java method localHello embedded in the ODB
>        XScriptContext.getDocument() returns an XModel reference
>        to the css.sdb.OfficeDatabaseDocument (the dialog will be
>        executed with the app. main container window as parent
>        because the XModel is not null and so I instantiate the
>        DialogProvider  with it as argument -- I could avoid this,
>        but I wanted to stress how the Scripting Framework's
>        XScriptContext.getDocument() works like ThisDatabaseDocument
>        even if invoked from the DSBrowser)

In fact, XScriptContext.getDocument() and ThisDatabaseDocument are
mapped to the same: the document containing the macros.

XScriptContext.getInvocationContext() and ThisComponent are mapped to
the component from where the macro was called.

> FormDesign:
> here this begin to get more complicated, and it makes really a
> difference the OS, and if you are debugging or just running the Java macro.
> For example, I left an exception I got only on Windows without
> debugging, to see if other's can reproduce it.
> Anyway exceptions are caught an the stack trace printed on a JPanel.
> I still didn't have the time to test it deeply, but at first sight some
> thing seems issues (for example, invoking from toolbars is impossible).

Okay, I need to find time to play with it. If you're faster with
describing what you mean with "impossible", I might spare it :)

Thanks & Ciao

- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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