Hi Frank,

following an advice of a Spanish-speaking user, who told me that OOo
Base dialogs look horrible on his Linux KDE, I could reproduce this
behavior changing some setting but only on my Notebook (where the screen
resolution is lower that my LCD monitor 1280x1024).

But I discovered that is happens only OOoBase dialogs: it turns out that
the user was using the data base related wizards.

As you can see in the pictures I send to your mail (the mailing list
does not allow), this happens with checkboxes and radiobuttons with
height of 8 map: the graphic for the circle (radiobuttons) and the
square (checkboxes) does not paint properly, it seems to have a fixed size.

It runs out that some/most dialogs follow
Christian Jansen, Dialog Specification and Guidelines - Visual Design.

where the height for radioboxes and checkboxes is 8, while in

/svtools/inc/controldims.hrc [to see where is included:
http://lxr.go-oo.org/search?string=controldims.hrc [2]  ]


that's why the Options, among others, looks good; but not other.
For example, in

Database Wizard

          Pos = MAP_APPFONT (START_X + 6 , 85 )  ;
          Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 205 , 10 ) ;
          Group = TRUE;
          Text [ en-US ]  = "Create a n~ew database" ;

has a height of 10, and looks good in the pictures I send you, but the

          Pos = MAP_APPFONT (START_X + 6 , 97 );
          Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 206 , 8 ) ;
          Text [ en-US ]  = "Open an existing database ~file" ;

          Pos = MAP_APPFONT (START_X + 6 , 159 )  ;
          Size = MAP_APPFONT ( 206 , 8 ) ;
          Text [ en-US ]  = "Connect to an e~xisting database" ;

are 8 map height, thus looking bad.

It seems to affect ALL dialogs where checkboxes and radiobuttons are 8
map instead of 10; see for example

Address Book Data Source Wizard

        RadioButton RB_MORK
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15, 68 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;
                Group = TRUE;

                Text [ en-US ] = "Mozilla / Netscape";
// All position & size/height data below this is not used
        RadioButton RB_THUNDERBIRD
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15, 79 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;

                Text [ en-US ] = "Thunderbird";
        RadioButton RB_EVOLUTION
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15, 90 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;

                Text [ en-US ] = "Evolution";
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15, 90 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;

                Text [ en-US ] = "Groupwise";
        RadioButton RB_EVOLUTION_LDAP
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15, 90 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;

                Text [ en-US ] = "Evolution LDAP";
        RadioButton RB_KAB
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15, 101 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;

                Text [ en-US ] = "KDE address book";
        RadioButton RB_MACAB
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15, 101 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;

                Text [ en-US ] = "Mac OS X address book";
        RadioButton RB_LDAP
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15, 112 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;

                Text [ en-US ] = "LDAP address data";
        RadioButton RB_OUTLOOK
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15, 123 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;

                Text [ en-US ] = "Outlook address book";
        RadioButton RB_OUTLOOKEXPRESS
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15,134 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;

                Text [ en-US ] = "Windows system address book";
        RadioButton RB_OTHER
                Pos             = MAP_APPFONT ( 15, 145 ) ;
                Size    = MAP_APPFONT ( WINDOW_SIZE_X - 30, 8 ) ;

                Text [ en-US ] = "Other external data source";


the RIGHT CONTROL DIMENSIONS [==looking good] are for example in

Tools - Options - OOo - Print

If you see the pictures [3], looks like an issue... but application-wide

Shall I visit issue tracker?


[1] By the way, another documentation issue: in
the buttons are 40 x 14, instead of 50 x 14 (!)
[2] if I'm not wrong, this tools is the go-oo source code, does OOo have
some similar search tool?
[3] the ones named with "_1" are the one the user send me

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



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                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
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