Mechtilde írta:
This was not the whole problem :(
I agree, I use 2.4 RC5 on winXP (with installed hungarian langpack)

With capital letters I get no result.
If I write with capital letter I get the normal dates.
Try to insert today date with Insert>Date and time.... , it insert
TODAY() into data filed.
This seems to be a better way. I describe it in the wiki.

Executing the report it shows the wrong date. It shows 10.06.05 instead
of 17.03.08 the date of today in German format.
It shows me right date all times, today, but if I change user interface and local settings, from HU to USA not change in date format, shows Hungarian date format. If I change local settings to GE no changes on report. I closed OOo and quickstarter between changes, no effects.

In the same time I changed date format on field properties General tab "Formatting" - no effects, only changes from YYYY.MM.DD to YY/MM/DD in any settings.(tried GE,USA date format)
Very strange.


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