
> The only C++ external UNO driver component I know is the PostgreSQL
> driver, but this component is not a "true independent extension", as
> it
> is (AFAIK) build linking against the connectivity module libraries.
the postgresql driver is an implementation, that just links to ODK libraries and uses only the pure API interface. You don't need to implement XUnoTunnel.

I think, it can give you a good start, as all functionality is in these few source files.


However, it is currently built within the office build environment (find an explanation in the above document), so you need to rewrite the makefiles to build it within the ODK, but this will work in the end (you need to translate the makefile.mk).

To make your driver work, you additionally need some configuration elements. You may check the content of the above uno package.



And by reading Stephan Bergmann's mails (for example in http://extensions.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=1324), a driver developed/build this way *may* be broken in the 3-layer OOo.

Questions to Frank:

* do you have any idea if external drivers linking against connectivity libs. will break in the 3-layer OOo?

* is it possible to develop a really independent C++ UNO driver component (as an extension), i.e. using only OOo UNO API and linking only to the URE libraries (that is, not using any code form the connectivity module at all)? I guess it must be possible (if not, a UNO driver component in oder language than C++, let's say Python, Java, will be impossible).


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