Dear Open Office Team:

I'm writing to you about the following item on the Open Office To-Do
development list.

I'm interested in participating in this feature development.  I have a
strong background of profession C++ Object Oriented development.  I
have basic level knowledge of SQL but can invest some time in learning
the more advanced aspects of it if necessary.  I have never
contributed to Open Office before, so I'm not familiar with its code
base.  I am, however, interested in learning and contributing.

I have some questions for your staff.  First, this development has a
difficulty rating of "Medium" as I note on the project site.  I
imagine something termed as "Low" would be better for a first time
contributer, but I am interested in this feature because it involves
authoring new C++ code, which is what I really want to do mostly.
Obviously this is tough for you to say without knowing me very well,
but do think that someone with my skills is good for this task?  If
you feel that I'm a better candidate for something else please don't
hesitate to say so.  Second, the project page estimates six weeks of
work for this feature.  Roughly how many hours a week does that
estimate include?  Last, will I have a technical point of contact to
consult for questions I may have during the development process,
somebody who may serve as some kind of development lead overseeing the
work I'm doing?

I look forward to an opportunity to lend my skills for the improvement
of Open Office, and I hope I get an opportunity to do so sometime in
the future even if not for this specific task.  If you would like more
information about me, you're welcome to visit my linkedin profile at
the following URL:

Brian Wrenn

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