On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 11:59 +0200, Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems
Germany wrote:
> >> - change the implUpdateGroupStructure method to respect the new property
> > 
> > Done.  Ish.
> > ...
> > How often would people re-use the same group name across different
> > steps?
> I think we are free to define the behaviour - and to me it sounds
> reasonable to simply define that controls with the same group name, but
> in different steps, span different groups. That is, a group defined as
> "all radio buttons with the same group name *and* the same step"
> (or the "old" definition of "no group name, and subsequent tab indexes",
> or however this is actually defined ATM).
> Introducing a feature of step-spanning groups sounds like overkill to me.

That's the problem -- step-spanning groups was easier to implement,
though I would consider step-spanning groups to be a bug not a

Guess I'll take another stab at this bit...

 - Jon

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