Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany wrote:

Frank, please find below the code with tha global solution,

we are using the beamer for selecting the images who must been insterted, the beamer act also as a "form" who gives "less" problems to retrieve the InputStream who now is coming from the memory

we start from a simple database with the image stored in in the second columb (1) and is present in the Beamer
we can slect 1 or several lines in the beamer

' finds which rows in the DataSourceBrowser are selected by the user
Dim frame1 As Object, frame2 As Object
Dim oModel As Object, oRowset As Object
Dim oDocument As Object, oGrid As Object
Dim oDataSourceBrowser as Object
Dim oSelection as Variant, ii As Long
oDoc = thiscomponent
oDocument = thiscomponent
frame1 = oDocument.CurrentController.Frame
frame2 = frame1.findFrame("_beamer",4) ' get DataBrowser frame
if IsNull(frame2) then
 MsgBox("Beamer not found !", 16)
 Exit Sub
end if
oDataSourcebrowser = frame2.Controller
' the DataSourceBrowser object has several getModel methods
' choose getModel from interface
' to get the form used by DataSourceBrowser
oModel = oDataSourcebrowser.com_sun_star_awt_XTabController_getModel
' creating a "clone" of the form
oRowset = oModel.createResultSet

oGrid = oDataSourceBrowser.CurrentControl
oSelection = oGrid.Selection

if UBound(oSelection) >= 0 then ' we get a list of Bookmarks
 For ii= 0 To UBound(oSelection) and bStop <> true
   if oRowset.moveToBookmark(oSelection(ii)) then
' MsgBox( oRowset.Columns(0).String & " : " & oRowset.Columns(4).String )
     MsgBox("Bookmark not found : " & oSelection(ii), 16)
     exit sub
   end if
  oStream = oRowset.Columns(1).getbinarystream(1)
REM Author: Stephan Wunderlich. Two lines added by ms777 and completed by Fernand
 Dim oShape
 Dim oProvider  'GraphicProvider service.
  oShape = oDoc.createInstance("")
 oGraphic = oDoc.createInstance("")
 oProvider = createUnoService("")
 Dim oProps(0) as new
 oProps(0).Name  = "InputStream"
 oProps(0).Value =  oStream
' oProps(0).Name  = "URL"
' oProps(0).Value = sGraphicURL
 oShape.Graphic = oProvider.queryGraphic(oProps())
 oGraphic.GraphicUrl = oShape.GraphicUrl

 ' Insert at the current cursor location

oDOc.text.insertTextContent(oDoc.getCurrentController().getViewCursor(), oGraphic, false)
' We no longer require the shape object.



Hi Fernand,

A related question:
Can you give me some hints to produce a minimal code (maybe no code at all :-) )to put images out of a database into a writerdoc who is the base document to run a mailmerge using the beamer(F4)

In general, the database column is able to provide its content as stream
(getBinaryStream, being an XInputStream). Of course you could write this
to a file (though I do not know the API for this). Whether it's possible
to directly put the binary content into a text doc - not sure, perhaps
the css.graphic API has something for it. I suggest asking this in

If your main problem is how to get the column which supplies the binary
stream, then I might be able to help - if you tell me somewhat more
about your setup.


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