Hi Marc,

> I hope your workload will lower soon. In fact the statement "I'll file
> an issue ..." is part of the citation. ;)

Oh ... which also means the other part of the citation wasn't mine -
doh, I knew that was too profound for that ...

> But I'd take that task if I am sure what to write.


> Is it a limit or a lenght for:
>    Form.Columns.getByName("").setBinarySream()
>    aka ResultSet.get/setAnything.setBinaryStream()
>    Form.Columns.getByName("").updateBinaryStream()
>    aka ResultSet.get/setAnything.updateBinaryStream()
>    css.sdbc.XParameter.setBinaryStream()
> ?

I'd say it should be a limit for all of those.

> And I'll try again:
> Does the last of those three (or all at best) need a stream implementing
> css.io.XSeekable besides the XInputStream/XOutputSream interface?

None of those should need it. All implementations I found try to read as
much bytes as indicated by the Length parameter.

Now that I looked up the implementations, again ... most of them even
seem to silently ignore (implicitly, by using XInputStream::readBytes,
which also does so) when there were less bytes than specified. The only
exception is the ODBC bridge, whose setBinaryStream in fact throws an
exception if it cannot read the specified number.

> The same is true for the ComponentLoader (not Documentloader) for input
> streams, which is why people have to implement a stream wrapper offering
> both interfaces (XInputStream & XSeekable).
> Since my experiments handing over an input stream to a XParameter are
> all blocking except when a dbase db is used as backend this could be the
> problem. Or the "length" argument is biting back ...

What exactly do you mean with "are all blocking"? Does the call not return?


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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