
Two AS/400 servers running V5R2 and V5R3 of the operating system each
have a table and a view created and populated from the same DDL and
DML statements.  OOo gives different results querying that view on the
two servers.  I am tentatively blaming the difference on server
versions merely because it is a convenient suspect.

The view includes a timestamp column and columns derived from that
timestamp.  (Those who have been following this list will already have
guessed that I am still looking at issue 94543.)  The timestamp column
is TS.

    create view aa6411v1 as
      select ts                      as ts,
             char( ts )              as char_of_ts,
             date( ts )              as date_of_ts,
             char( date( ts ), iso ) as char_of_date_of_ts,
             time( ts )              as time_of_ts,
             char( time( ts ))       as char_of_time_of_ts
        from aa6411;

Querying the V5R3 server, I see the expected results from the V5R3
server in both both Base (direct entry of SQL) and Calc (the Data
Source Browser and the spreadsheet).  However, from the V5R2 server,
the three columns derived with char() show no useful information: in
the result of direct entry of SQL in Base and in the Data Source
Browser they show "<OBJECT>", and in the spreadsheet they show "#N/A"

I wonder if this behaviour is right.  And if it is wrong, does anybody
care, given the age of V5R2?  V6R1 of the o/s has been in production
for a couple of years, and V7R1 is anticipated shortly.  In short, is
this a candidate for a bug report?


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