Hi Terrence,

> I wonder if this behaviour is right.  And if it is wrong, does anybody
> care, given the age of V5R2?  V6R1 of the o/s has been in production
> for a couple of years, and V7R1 is anticipated shortly.  In short, is
> this a candidate for a bug report?

Normally I'd say "every bug is worth a bug report" ... In this concrete
case, given the ... difficulty for the core development team to get
their fingers on a AS/400 DB, the age of the DB system in question, and
the suspicion that this is a problem of the ODBC driver (the "<OBJECT>"
suggests that it returns some kind of binary data type for the columns
in question), I'd say that in reality, the issue would just add to the
pile ... :-\


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         frank.schoenh...@sun.com -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Impress               http://graphics.openoffice.org -
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