
I had updated the scp2 module, both the files you mentioned. I also do a
build --all after my changes which must have done the registration. I still
cannot see my driver loaded; as I said it wont find my driver name
"org.openoffice.comp.connectivity.skeleton.SkeletonDriver" in its list of
names in OSDBCDriverManager::implGetDriverForURL function.

Is there any way to debug this ?

also for dbaccess code it have too many files with sdbc: what exactly am I
looking for here ?


On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 12:43 AM, Ocke Janssen <ocke.jans...@oracle.com>wrote:

> Hello Rohit,
> On 30.03.2011 03:01, Rohit Kulkarni wrote:
>> Hello Oj,
>> I an not writing the sdbcx driver, also I can debug everything else but
>> my driver code. I am guessing I am not registering the driver properly.
>> I have written the .xml file for the driver and also made changes to
>> DataAccess.xcu. Should this be sufficient to register the driver? if not
>> what else do I need to do ?
> Do have changed the module scp2 and added lines like
> STD_LIB_FILE(gid_File_Lib_Mysql,mysql) in file_library_ooo.scp
> and
> gid_File_Lib_Mysql, in module_hidden_ooo.scp ?
> You have to build OOo instset because your registration is done there.
> If the driver should not be an extension than we you could remove your
> dataaccess.xcu changes and adjust the code in dbaccess (look for sdbc: )
> Best regards,
> oj
>> Here are excerpts from those files:
>> ============== DriverSkeleton.xml ================
>> <?xml version='1.0' encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> "module-description.dtd">
>> <module-description xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";>
>> <module-name>   skeleton1 </module-name>
>> <component-description>
>> <Author>rohit</Author>
>> <Name>org.openoffice.comp.connectivity.skeleton.SkeletonDriver</Name>
>> <description>This library implements the database driver for
>> Skeleton.</description>
>> <loader-name>com.sun.star.loader.SharedLibrary</loader-name>
>> <language>c++</language>
>> <status value="alpha"/>
>> <supported-service>com.sun.star.sdbc.Driver</supported-service>
>> <service-dependency>    ... </service-dependency>
>> </component-description>
>> <project-build-dependency>cppuhelper</project-build-dependency>
>> <project-build-dependency>cppu</project-build-dependency>
>> <project-build-dependency>sal</project-build-dependency>
>> <project-build-dependency>vos</project-build-dependency>
>> <runtime-module-dependency>cppuhelper</runtime-module-dependency>
>> <runtime-module-dependency>cppu1</runtime-module-dependency>
>> <runtime-module-dependency>sal1 </runtime-module-dependency>
>> <runtime-module-dependency>vos</runtime-module-dependency>
>> </module-description>
>> ============= DataAccess.xcu =================
>> <!DOCTYPE oor:component-data SYSTEM "../../../../component-update.dtd">
>> <oor:component-data oor:name="DataAccess"
>> oor:package="org.openoffice.Office"
>> xmlns:oor="http://openoffice.org/2001/registry";
>> xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
>> xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>
>> <node oor:name="UserDefinedDriverSettings">
>> <node oor:name="Driver Skeleton" oor:op="replace">
>> <prop oor:name="DriverTypeDisplayName">
>> <value>Driver Skeleton</value>
>> </prop>
>> <prop oor:name="DriverPageDisplayName">
>> <value>Driver Skeleton Page</value>
>> </prop>
>> <prop oor:name="DriverDsnPrefix">
>> <value>sdbc:skeleton:</value>
>> </prop>
>> </node>
>> </node>
>> <node oor:name="ConnectionPool">
>> <node oor:name="DriverSettings">
>> <node
>> oor:name="org.openoffice.comp.connectivity.skeleton.SkeletonDriver"
>> oor:op="replace">
>> <prop oor:name="DriverName">
>> <value>org.openoffice.comp.connectivity.skeleton.SkeletonDriver</value>
>> </prop>
>> <prop oor:name="Enable">
>> <value>false</value>
>> </prop>
>> <prop oor:name="Timeout">
>> <value>60</value>
>> </prop>
>> </node>
>> <node oor:name="com.sun.star.comp.sdbcx.adabas.ODriver" oor:op="replace">
>> <prop oor:name="DriverName">
>> <value>com.sun.star.comp.sdbcx.adabas.ODriver</value>
>> </prop> ...........
>>           :
>> ----------
>> there is also a DriverSkeleton.xcu as below:
>> ============= DriverSkeleton.xcu =============
>> <oor:component-data oor:name="Drivers"
>> oor:package="org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess"
>> xmlns:oor="http://openoffice.org/2001/registry";
>> xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";>
>> <node oor:name="Installed">
>> <node oor:name="sdbc:skeleton:*" oor:op="replace">
>> <prop oor:name="Driver">
>> <value>org.openoffice.comp.connectivity.skeleton.SkeletonDriver</value>
>> </prop>
>> <prop oor:name="DriverTypeDisplayName" oor:type="xs:string">
>> <value xml:lang="en-US">Skeleton Driver</value>
>> </prop>
>> <node oor:name="Features">
>> <node oor:name="EscapeDateTime" oor:op="replace">
>> <prop oor:name="Value" oor:type="xs:boolean">
>> <value>true</value>
>> </prop>
>> </node>
>> </node>
>> </node>
>> </node>
>> </oor:component-data>
>> as for this I have updated the "build.lst and d.lst" files so that it
>> builds the "libDriverSkeletonli.so" file and copies it into the
>> installation set.
>> But when I debug this I can see that my driver is not returned as part
>> of enumeration by "createContentEnumeration()"
>> Could you suggest any way I can fix this?
>> thanks in advance.
>> -Rohit
>> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 12:06 AM, Ocke Janssen <ocke.jans...@oracle.com
>> <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com>> wrote:
>>    Hi Rohit,
>>    On 28.03.2011 17:43, Rohit Kulkarni wrote:
>>            Hello,
>>            1) I built whole openoffice and installed it.(normal build
>>        i.e build
>>            --all)
>>            2) I built only dbaccess and connectivity modules with
>>        debug=true
>>            dbglevel=2
>>            3) Copied .so files from ../connectivity/unxlngi6.pro/lib/*
>>        <http://unxlngi6.pro/lib/*>
>>        <http://unxlngi6.pro/lib/*> and ../dbaccess/unxlngi6.pr/lib/*
>>        <http://unxlngi6.pr/lib/*>
>>        <http://unxlngi6.pr/lib/*>  to
>> ../../openoffice3/basis-link/program/
>>            4) Now I set breakpoint to " b
>>            connectivity::flat::ODriver::acceptsURL "
>>            5) Run base through gdb.
>>            6) Execution stopped at breakpoint, whatever I select flat or
>>            skeleton driver or any other from available driver list.
>>            7) When I set breakpoint at " b
>>            connectivity::skeleton::SkeletonDriver::acceptsURL ", it
>>        wont stop
>>            at breakpoint.
>>            8) That means execution of program never goes to SDriver.cxx
>>            (skeleton driver file) file which has acceptsURL function.
>>            The things I have noticed after some more debugging in gdb
>>        are --
>>            1) I saw the function named
>>        OSDBCDriverManager::bootstrapDrivers()
>>            2) I think this is the function where it populates the list
>>        of all
>>            drivers using
>>        " createContentEnumeration " function.
>>            3) And this function is not returning my driver.
>>            4) I saw this after watching the value of " aDriverDescriptor "
>>            variable which is used for pushback in vector " m_aDriverBS
>>        " , I
>>            saw various strings for example , for flat it is
>>        "com.sun.star.comp.sdbc.flat.ODriver" but not my driver name.
>>        What do I need to do so that createContentEnumeration will return
>> my
>>        driver object in the list ?
>>    Do you register the driver as an extension? If so the lib are not
>>    located in basis-link/program they are located in your user folder
>>    3/user/uno_package/cache/uno_package/...
>>    That would also explain why you can't set any breakpoint.
>>    Another reason could be that your driver doesn't support
>>    "com.sun.star.sdbc.Driver" or the driver was not registered.
>>    If that doesn't work I could look at the code if you want to.
>>    Best regards,
>>    Ocke
>>        Regards,
>>        Rohit
>>        On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Ocke Janssen
>>        <ocke.jans...@oracle.com <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com>
>>        <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com
>>        <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com>>> wrote:
>>            Hi,
>>            On 26.03.2011 06 <tel:26.03.2011%2006>:47, Rohit Kulkarni
>> wrote:
>>                Hello,
>>                I have successfully built skeleton driver and I can see
>>        it in
>>                available
>>                list.
>>                Now , I tried to debug it using gdb. For this I followed
>>                instructions on
>>        http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Debugging
>>                Build using debug=true and copied .so files to
>>        installation set.
>>                I added a breakpoint at
>>                connectivity::skeleton::SkeletonDriver::acceptsURL then,
>>                run base -> select Skeleton Driver -> Datasource url
>>        window appears
>>                (typed any string in it) -> saved ->finish
>>                In this process debugger wont stop at breakpoint.
>>                Another thing is that I added breakpoint at
>>                connectivity::flat::ODriver::acceptsURL then, all same
>>        steps above.
>>                Debugger stopped at breakpoint where I can see flat file
>>        EDriver.cxx
>>                code with acceptsURL function.
>>                So, do you have any idea why it wouldn't call
>>                connectivity::skeleton::SkeletonDriver::acceptsURL
>> function?
>>            May be you copied the wrong files or you built them not with
>>        debug=t
>>            ? When you can set a break point for flat it should also
>>        work for
>>            your driver. No guess so far. Or may be set the break point
>>        when the
>>            library was loaded. I'm not the gdb expert.
>>            - oj
>>                Regards,
>>                Rohit
>>                On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 11:53 AM, Ocke Janssen
>>        <ocke.jans...@oracle.com <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com>
>>        <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com>>
>>        <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com>
>>        <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com
>>        <mailto:ocke.jans...@oracle.com>>>> wrote:
>>                    On 14.03.2011 18:45, Rohit Kulkarni wrote:
>>                        I could successfully built the skeleton driver
>>        and now I
>>                can see
>>                        it in
>>                        the list of available drivers as well!
>>                        Thanks a lot for your help. I really appreciate it.
>>                    :-)
>>                        I have a quick question.
>>                        Any idea on how to solve this?
>>                    No, sorry. I think that's a question for the normal
>>        d...@openoffice.org <mailto:d...@openoffice.org>
>>        <mailto:d...@openoffice.org <mailto:d...@openoffice.org>>
>>        <mailto:d...@openoffice.org <mailto:d...@openoffice.org>
>>        <mailto:d...@openoffice.org <mailto:d...@openoffice.org>>> list.
>>                May be a build
>>                    problem or a bug.
>>                        Also, Now, if I make any changes to the skeleton
>>        driver,
>>                do I
>>                        have to
>>                        build and install open office every time?
>>                    No, just replace your copy of the .so file in your
>>        office
>>                installation.
>>                    - oj
>>                    --
>>                    Ocke Janssen | Software Developer
>>                    Phone: +40 23646500
>>                    Oracle Office
>>                    ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Nagelsweg 55 |
>>        20097 Hamburg
>>                    ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
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>>                    Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
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>>                    Handelsregister der Handelskammer
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>>                30143697
>>                    Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz, Marcel van de Molen,
>>        Alexander
>>                van der Ven
>>                    Oracle is committed to developing practices and
>> products
>>                that help
>>                    protect the environment
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