On 6/4/10 10:10 AM, Stefan Seelmann wrote:
Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
On 6/4/10 1:03 AM, Stefan Seelmann wrote:
Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:

On 6/3/10 11:04 PM, Stefan Seelmann wrote:

Hi dev,

the core-mock module includes some mock implementations of ApacheDS
core-api classes (CoreSession, DirectoryService, etc.). It is only used
as test dependency in ldif-partition.

To get rid of the core-mock module I'd like to suggest to move those
classes to src/test/java in core-api. To be able to use the test
outside of the core-api module we just need to deploy the test jar of
core-api. The using module then needs to specify a dependency with
classifier "tests", see [1] for details.

We also had a discussion with Pierre-Arnaud about those unit tests. Once
upon a time, we have had some core-unti and server-unit modules. They
have been renamed core-intger and server-integ. So far, so good, but we
still have another module called apacheds-test-framework.

We do think that the classes we have in core/server-integ - I mean, the
classes in java/main, not the tests - should be moved to

That being said, we could also move the core-mock into this
apacheds-test-framework module.

Does it make sense ?

I'm afraid that won't be possible because this would cause cyclic

The integ tests and the test framework start up a real directory service
with real partitions, including an LDIF based config and schema
partition, so they depend on the ldif-partition.

The mocks are used because we can't start a real directory service in
ldif-partion module for unit tests.

But we can run the integration tests against the LDIF partition.

Ok, so we have the exact same problem than with the LDAP API : we had to
extract the api tests and put them in ApacheDS just to be able to launch
a real server.

What about doing the same thing and move all the Ldif-Partition tests
out of the ldif-partition module and put them where they can use the
real DS ?

I mean, tests are not to be close to the part they are testing?

thoughts ?
I think we should distinguish unit tests and integration tests.

Unit tests should be close to the part they are testing. And they should
not test other components around. Thus it is valid to use mocks.
tests in ldif-partition are unit tests because they just test that the
ldif-partition code works, that is that files in the file system are
created or deleted. So I think these tests are at the right place.
So where should we put the mocks ? Core-API as you suggested ? (IMO, if that solve the problem, then +1)

Maybe what I'm suggesting is a bit too convoluted anyway.
Kind Regards,

Emmanuel Lécharny

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