On 2/6/11 9:54 PM, Alex Karasulu wrote:
I've finished the tasks with the first stage DIRSHARED-80 [0]. Also on top
of this I decoupled the dsml-parser from all codec implementation classes.
Likewise for the ldap-client-api.

There are still probably some minor adjustments remaining.

Before merging this back into the trunk and going into the second stage I'd
like to break apart the model now in one shot so we can continue working on
it in the trunk. This might be good for you Pierre since you're working on
some refactoring right now in model.schema. Even if I do this now though I
highly recommend working together on the m1 branch together while we break
things up further.

It makes more sense to break up the modules right now instead of later. Then
the paths and project layout is set making merges into m1 from trunk much
easier to handle and vice-versa.

If there are no objections I'm going to handle this tonight. The new
ldap-model OSGi module and perhaps others will impact the build descriptors
for studio. I'll try to get those working as well but if I cannot by tonight
I might ask for a hand tomorrow.

Any questions?
Just wondering : wouldn't it be a good idea to inject m1 into trunk now, and do the refactoring you are suggesting in M1 ?

The idea would be to have at least a stabilized version in trunk in case if the refactoring takes to much time. Also m1 as it is now is much better than trunk, so I think that having it in trunk is beneficial until we get the refactored version ready.

Btw, tomorrow I'm coming back from germany, and will be in the train fro 7 hours, with no connection. I started to changes sme things in the LdapGrammar class, namely extracting all the actions in dedicated classes, to make the class shorter (it's more than 7000 lines, to big to be handled). I will probably continue this work in the train : it has no impact on the tests, and does not ovelap with the existing work going on.

i'll be back around 6pm.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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