On 7 févr. 2011, at 03:01, Alex Karasulu wrote:

> ----------------
> So everything is now setup in m1. The two new modules are:
>     o ldap-codec
>     o ldap-model

Great decomposition.

> The dsml-parser module is totally decoupled from the codec implementation 
> classes. Some cleanup can happen here though. 

Cool. :)

> The build works, integration tests pass, studio builds fine and imports into 
> eclipse without issues.

Awesome, I'm going to test if Studio also works fine in both Eclipse and RCP 


> -----------------------------
> Note: not all for m1 release although I think most of this can be done in a 
> couple days but we're running out of time.
>    o after moving out what remains in ldap module need to convert to one big 
> aggregate jar of
>           - ldap-mode
>           - ldap-client (ldap-client-api now)
>           - ldap-codec
>           - shared-util
>           - shared-asn1-api
>           - shared-asn1-ber
>    o ldap-extras module needs to be budded off from ldap-codec
>    o ads-model module needs to be created with what is remaining in ldap 
> module
>    o extended operations need to be pluggable
>    o protocol codecs need to be pluggable to use different network layers
>    o OSGi plugin mechanism needs to be completed
>    o more cleanup
> Will be around in the afternoon.
> Thanks,
> Alex

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