
On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Stefan Seelmann <seelm...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a vote for the first milestone release on our way to a Shared
> and LDAP API 1.0. Lot of cleanup and decoupling has already be done.
> Also bug fixes and improvements have been done. Please see the release
> notes below.
> The SVN tag:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/directory/shared/tags/1.0.0-M1/
> The source and binary distribution packages:
> http://people.apache.org/~seelmann/shared-1.0.0-M1/
> The file names are prefixed with 'apache-ldap-api'. The bin packages
> contain the shaded shared-all and all required dependencies to use the
> The staging repository:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachedirectory-062/
> The generated site:
> http://directory.apache.org/shared/gen-docs/1.0.0-M1/
> This is also a vote for JUnit Add-ons 0.1. This artifact is used by
> Shared (and ApacheDS) for concurrency tests. Unfortunately the
> artifacts are already published to the Maven repositories, so this
> vote is to legitimate this after the fact.
> The SVN tag:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/directory/buildtools/junit-addons/tags/0.1/
> The artifacts in Maven repository:
> http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/directory/junit/junit-addons/0.1/
> Please cast your votes:
> [ ] +1 Release Shared 1.0.0-M1 and JUnit Add-ons 0.1
> [ ]  0 abstain
> [ ] -1 Do not release Shared 1.0.0-M1 and JUnit Add-ons 0.1
> Kind Regards,
> Stefan
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Release Notes - Directory Shared - Version 1.0-M1
> ** Sub-task
>    * [DIRSHARED-81] - Move classes and tests to appropriate area
>    * [DIRSHARED-82] - Adhere to package and class naming conventions
>    * [DIRSHARED-83] - Add documentation and test coverage
> ** Bug
>    * [DIRSHARED-4] - RDN length and start fields are not set
>    * [DIRSHARED-36] - Attribute type description schema parser uses
> integer for syntax length, should be BigInteger
>    * [DIRSHARED-40] - DN parser, LdapDN, Rdn, Atav issues
>    * [DIRSHARED-58] - Interface
> org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.cursor.Cursor isn't complete
>    * [DIRSHARED-60] - Equality matching rule is not required for an
> attribute type description
>    * [DIRSHARED-63] - LDIFEntry does not handle controls
>    * [DIRSHARED-68] - schema extensions are not correctly parsed
>    * [DIRSHARED-69] - To string on a Filter throws NPE on toString()
>    * [DIRSHARED-71] - SearchResultEntryDsml does not use the provided
> name of the attribute type
>    * [DIRSHARED-72] - DnNode does not handle move and rename operations
>    * [DIRSHARED-75] - AbstractSchemaLoader fails to add schema
> objects if the schema name is given in capital letters
> ** Improvement
>    * [DIRSHARED-11] - Relax the ACI grammar parser
>    * [DIRSHARED-34] - LdifEntry.toString() should print LDIF rather
> than diagnostic information
>    * [DIRSHARED-61] - Cleaning LdapMessage classes
>    * [DIRSHARED-64] - IStates and inherited interfaces/implementing
> classes shpuld be enums
>    * [DIRSHARED-65] - Enabling a disabled schema should also enable
> any disabled schemas the current schema depends on
> ** New Feature
>    * [DIRSHARED-28] - Need a feature like toString but different
> ** Task
>    * [DIRSHARED-46] - The LdapDN.toString() method should use the UP
> name, not the normNane
>    * [DIRSHARED-50] - Rename DN methods to reflect the Client API decisions
>    * [DIRSHARED-54] - Replace all the JNDI exceptions with our own
> exceptions (API)
>    * [DIRSHARED-59] - Replace public static finals by enums
>    * [DIRSHARED-79] - Control factories must be minimalistic -
> presently they have too many needless methods.
>    * [DIRSHARED-80] - M1-STAGE-1: General cleanup master task

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