On 5/25/11 2:48 PM, Pierre-Arnaud Marcelot wrote:
Hi Emmanuel,

On 24 mai 2011, at 21:28, Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:


This is a vote for the forth milestone release on our way to a Shared
and LDAP API 1.0. Many fixes have been injected, and some major refactoring
have been done, including making the API OSGi compatible.
Hum, I thought the API was already OSGI compatible in previous milestones.
One major difference since 1.0.0-M3 I think is, the removal of the embedded 
Apache Felix OSGI container.
Hmm, you may be right. Or I expressed what I had in mind incorrectly : the API is now OSGi compatible assuming your application has a OSGi container, but we don't provide one. This is what I had in mind.

The SVN tag:

The source and binary distribution packages:
I thing these files are not necessary for the release and should not be copied 
to the distribution server:
- apache-ldap-api-1.0.0-M4.pom
- apache-ldap-api-1.0.0-M4.pom.asc
- apache-ldap-api-1.0.0-M4.pom.asc.asc
Sure. They have been generated automatically, I don't know why.
I'm not sure the key you used to sign the release has been added to the KEYS 
file at the root of the Directory project distributions directory (However it 
seems to be present in Mina's KEYS file).
I was unable to verify the *.asc signed files.
ahha... May be the KEYS we have in directory is not up to date. Let me fix that.
Is it normal that we still bundle the "org.apache.felix.framework-3.2.0.jar" 
module in the lib directory ?
Hmmm, no. We have to remove the dependency, I guess. Some cleanup we can do in M5

Emmanuel Lécharny

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