Hi Alex,
see my answers inline

Alex Thurgood wrote:
Yep, good idea. I take it the db would be hosted by Collabnet ?

Collabnet is a good choice. There may be other places, too.

c) There is a database running on the server. The community maintains the database. When for example a Language Project has some new documents, the respective links will be added to the database. There might be a Wiki to simplify adding and editing the hyperlinks together with meta information about visible text, language, version, operating system. A script will update the database based on the Wiki information.

This would be one way of making it IMHO easier for people to contribute, plus have the added advantage of a document presentation structure that could be inherent in the wiki front-end, so that at least the help entered via the wiki would have more or less the same 'get up'.

in my first idea about the database and Wiki it looks like this:
the database has records like "help page ID", "OS", "language", "version", "link to document" the Wiki is only to enable everyone to add a new document to this database, even without SQL and database access permissions. Just enter the data to a Wiki, which is a skill most people already know, and then a script will transfer the Wiki data to the database (may be after a moderator has checked that the document is really an OOo Help document of any value - but if it is not, then normal Wiki community social control will remove an invalid link soon)
Database records:
"help page ID" can be the unique path and name of the guide file from the installed OOo Help. Example "sharedguidekeyboard" for a link that will be visible in the "See also..." section of the file shared/guide/keyboard.xhp. "OS" the operating system info seems to be valid for some help documents, as for example the UNIX printer and fax and font guides which are of no use to a Windows user.
"language" is the language of the linked document.
"link to document" is the full http address of the document. In some cases this would not link to a document but to a Web page that the submitter wants to be shown first, for example with a copyright statement or an advertisement/promotional page. We should be open to such a redirection, but of course this can be discussed.

Well, the French n-l doc project list has been pretty active already, and there are quite a few docs that could be entered into the system. However, I do wonder about selecting based on OS. Most of the problems encountered are OS-agnostic. The only real differences occur with things like installation, printing, fonts, and the like. As Sophie has pointed out, we try where possible, to make our docs platform independent or at least include relevant sections for each similar family of OS. It would be a shame to have to split them all up again.

the proposed system should be flexible enough so that no one must split up or change any document that already exists. And it is open to any reasonable amount of additional documents that other users supply.

I take it that there will be some kind of flag system when you enter the doc database that will enable you to set the search parameters you are talking about ? Is this what you meant by metadata ?

the meta data comes into account when you do not use a link as stated above, but when you just have a collection of Help documents all inside one local folder. In this case we need any index data to quickly determine to which OOo Help page a certain document belongs. As the user-supplied additional Help documents in that local folder can be of any valid type (OpenDocument, PDF, HTML for example), it may take too much time to read the meta data from inside the documents' info. We would need one index file and a method to fill the data into this index file. Or we must define a filename mapping of the data, so a document with the name shared.guide.keyboard.all.US_en.odt in that folder can be identified easy to be linked to the sharedguidekeyboard Help page, to be valid for all operating systems, to be in US english language, and to be of OpenDocument file type.

Kind regards

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  Technical Writer
 StarOffice - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Hamburg, Germany

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