
sophie wrote:
Hi Frank,

Sorry for the delay,

Frank Peters wrote:
Hi Sophie,

In the second handoff of l10n, swriter contains a link to the specs [1].
Sorry to come again with that, but there is no licence on the specs, so are we allowed to translate the relevant content in the wiki or what would the better way for you to localize this spec? I'm also aware that specs are sometime modified, but I don't know how we can track these changes too.

I checked and these links are all in comments <comment>...</comment> and
don't need localization. Have we never before come across the <comment>
tag in helpcontent or was this always translated?

I'm sorry, but I don't see this <comment> ...</comment> tags in my .po file :
#: 04090002.xhp#par_id5189062.help.text
msgid "For example, when you are in a chapter 1, subchapter 2, subpart 5, this may be numbered as 1.2.5. When you insert here a reference to text in the previous subpart \"1.2.4\" and you apply the \"Number\" format, then the reference will be shown as \"4\". If in this example the numbering is set to show more sublevels, the same reference will be shown as \"2.4\" or \"1.2.4\", depending on the setting. If you use the \"Number (full context)\" format, you will always see \"1.2.4\", no matter how the numbered paragraph is formatted. You can see illustrated explanations (and information on migration from and to previous software versions) in the <link href=\"http://specs.openoffice.org/writer/numbering/

May be they have not been exported? I've never came across those links before, won't they appear in the localized help? Thanks. I'm interested in being able to translate the content of the specs because of the migration explanations it contains.
Kind regards

I decided to insert this link to the specification document because it contains a good explanation of the more esoteric inner workings of this new feature. This explanation for sure is helpful to those users who really need to understand all of it. But this explanation is far too much information for the normal user who just wants to use the feature as it is. In former times we would have written all that info into the Help. Now we need to care for word count, both because it is expensive to translate and because too many words are distracting for users that are looking for a short and easy 1-2-3 help. So if some volunteer wants to translate the info from the spec, why not copy the info to the OOo Wiki first and then translate on the OOo Wiki? I can change the link in the Help then to point to the Wiki. And there are hundreds of other specs at specs.openoffice.org with more valuable information (well, some of them).

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -  Technical Writer
  StarOffice - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Hamburg, Germany

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