Clayton schrieb:
Nino Novak wrote:
AFAIK h1-level headers are obsolete for wiki articles (at least in wikipedia). In the (english) documentation (WG2) h1 is used nevertheless, at least in some articles I read so far. The MediaWiki export filter output also uses h1 as top level. Bug or intention?

I can't speak for the MediaWiki export filter... a question on that
should go back to the devs working on it

H1 is still valid MediaWiki syntax, so it can still be used even if
major MediaWiki installs are trying to phase it out.

Generally speaking, the specific Wiki docs I work on do not have H1...
all start at H2.

I remember that this question came up in another mail group but I cannot find the thread anymore. I know there are docs starting with H1 but they shouldn't. If you look at the styles page with wiki style examples at
you see that the first heading level mentioned is = = heading = = with correponds to H2.


--   Martina Waller - Technical Writer
StarOffice - Sun Microsystems, Inc. - Hamburg, Germany

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