
2009/9/7 Frank Peters <>:
So, please, (and I am minding my tone), who did these changes? Who is
In what way do persons matter here?

Well, up until now this did not happen. Actually I do remember some
sporadic errors like added 6-blanks in the past year, maybe 5 of them
in several unrelated spots, but thought that is a small typing error
and didn't care about it.
But then came m51 (and now m57). Obviously something changed in the
last few months. Either they changed the tools for editing the help or
someone not aware how to use the tools properly did something wrong.
Knowing who it was is the way to eliminate such errors from any future
changes in help (at least the added blanks).

The history of these errors is that Uwe has been using the
OOo helpauthoring framework to modify help files until a
bug in this framework prevented him from doing so, so he
had to switch to a different editor that apparently tried
to "beautify" the XML code

responsible? Who did QA? This did already happen some milestones ago
I was not aware of this. Has this been reported before when you
first noticed it?

I noticed it in m51, and immediately reported to head of Slovenian
localization, Robert Ludvik, who check some mailing lists (maybe this
one) and reported to me back, that it was already reported. He
probably meant the report Ain quoted.

Yes, and Uwe replied and gave the root cause for this, thinking that
the root cause was removed which apparently was not the case.

The editor used for the help is actually OOo. Unfortunately, it seems
like it leaves residual tag fragments when deleting tag content, or
does not merge tags on adjacent content. For the future we need
to implement more checks or normalization steps to make sure that
this doesn't happen. Using CVS for documentation content doesn't
work very well by principle, after all.

Up until m51 this did not happen. And probably you were using it for
years. What changed in OOo or the team using it in the past half year?
There the answer lies. Maybe it would be beter to use the good old 2.4
for editing help, because since 3.0 some automagic or filter changes
were introduced that mess with the files ...

No, the bug has been identified and fixed that prevented Uwe from
using the helpauthoring environment in OOo. So we should be back to
normal. I must take partial responsibility since I did not fix the
helpauthoring bug soon enough. The bug itself arose due to changes
in how OOo wrote ODT.

Anyhow, we need to find some mitigation for this. What options do we
have assuming that extending the l10n deadline is not one of it?

Can you provide a list of all files that contain these
errors and that have not been localized, so we can see whether
we can rollback the changes there (but not at places that you
already localized) for the next (and for 3.2 final) help CWS

It is hard to locate and list them all. In files where under 100 of
those changes are located, we can do it somehow manually and you will
clean this mess up later. Mostly affected files are (as far as I can
tell) three, but in a different way:

mostly added blanks:
helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po (around 280 changed strings)

mostly changed tags, like "<emph>" -> "<item type=\"menuitem\">"
helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po (around 230 changed strings)

changed tags, like "<emph>" -> "<item type=\"menuitem\">" with some added blanks
helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po (around 1000 changed strings)
(this file obviously has also some or many textual changes, I would say)

shared/00.po has around 100 changed/new strings, but they are mostly
img tags, so not a lot of work for translator, this can remain as is.

So the first three listed files represent around 1500 changes out of
1950 or so of the m57. If you can clean those three files of unwanted
blanks and undo the tag change, with old po files of the same name
updating them to new pot's the translators will get a true picture
what content was edited and needs to be changed/translated.

I don't know about PO files. Uwe can try to roll back those changes
in the sources so that the next po files get updated accordingly.

OT: with all these icon (img tags) changes or additions, and I do not
want to start a flaming war here, I see mostly inches are still used,
although inches are officially used in only three countries today -
the U.S.A., Myanmar and Liberia, I think. Is there any particular
reason for this? I guess changing that to metric system would cause
same massive help changes, so, no, I do not propose to change all
inches to centimeters :)

This, too, is a side-effect of the implementation of the help
authoring environment. The value written depends on what language
version of OOo you work on. I think, ultimately, we could just
leave that out entirely since it's currently not used (no, not
retroactively, just for new images)


Frank Peters x66757
Learning and Publications Manager
SLS - CCLS Application Services
Office Productivity & Communication Suite
Sun Microsystems, Hamburg

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