On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 8:22 AM, ccornell - OpenOffice.org <
ccorn...@openoffice.org> wrote:

> On 05/04/10 14:11, Andrew Jensen wrote:
>> Hoping someone can give me some guidance here.
>> I would like your opinion on the feasibility of converting our User Guids
>> from ODT to Daisy file format.
>> First - has anyone done this already?
>> Second - does anyone here have any experience with doing this?
>> Third - anyone have any experience working with the odt2Daisy extension?
>> Thanks for any help, comments or thoughts.
> I'm guessing this was triggered by the startup of the new audio
> documentation project?
> For those not in the know, DAISY format is, as I understand it, the
> standard for audio books (aka Digital Talking Books).  See:
> http://www.niso.org/workrooms/daisy/Z39-86-2005.html for the current
> standard.
> Am I on the same page as you on this Drew?
> I've never experimented with this... might be an interesting project to
> tinker with though.  Does anyone have access to a DTB playback device for
> testing?
Hi Clayton,

Thanks to a nudge from Matt T I tried the odt2daisy extension again just now
- this time using dev3.2.1 under Vista (rather then the 64bit linux from the
last try)..
sure enough I was able to generate a file from a simple one page document
in full daisy format - then used AMIS (FOSS daisy reader for windows) to
read it back to me...it's alive!

Actually this started, interest wise, for me last year at the Ohio Linuxfest

Diversity workshop. I've just been procrastinating for a long time.

The upcoming OO.o booth at this years American Library Association show
got me back to thinking about this.

What I would like to do is to generate full daisy files for all our manuals
-  then contact the American Foundation for the Blind and
offer the files for them to distribute via US public libraries.

Assuming this gets legs I would commit to regenerating the files as needed,
as the source files are updated.

Anyway - there are most likely lots of details that would need covering, but

first - -  let me try the Getting started Guide and see what happens.

I'll put the generated file up someplace that folks can access it as soon as
I'm done.

Ideas, comments are really welcome on this.


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