On 2019-06-28 05:37, Jerin Jacob Kollanukkaran wrote:

I have only concern about moving this as library inside eventdev that
till we have mature version of helper library the eventdev library ABI
will not stable(i.e .so file version needs to be incremented as when a
change needed). Which align with Mattias thoughts for some other
reason:. How about moving this code to
1) example/common or
2) to specific application itself, once at least two applications
starts using it then move to Eventdev library.


[Anoob] Either location is not a problem if there is a consensus. Earlier the
suggestion was to move it to library (when the patch was submitted with
changes added in app).

If there NO objections then lets move to example/common.

That sounds like a good idea to me.

I wish I had more time to devote to eventmode, so I could be more constructive than basically just saying "it's a hard problem" and "the proposed solution seems not generic-enough by far" - but I don't at the moment.

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