Hello Dubbo/Dubbogo Community,

 This is a call for vote to release Apache dubbo-go version v1.2.0 RC1.

 The release candidates:

 Git tag for the release:https://github.com/apache/dubbo-go/tree/v1.2.0-rc01

 Hash for the release tag: 11878c4d265a08013da96c5eb93aa60cdc29b0d1

 Release Notes: https://github.com/apache/dubbo-go/blob/1.2/CHANGE.md

 The artifacts have been signed with Key :E070AA783CB866D7, which can be
found in the keys file:


 The vote will be open for at least 72 hours or until necessary number of
votes are reached.

 Please vote accordingly:

 [ ] +1 approve

 [ ] +0 no opinion

 [ ] -1 disapprove with the reason


 The Apache Dubbo-go Team

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