Strange. I am trying to commit the patch, but I get this error message:

   heavy:~/tmp/felix-trunk2$ svn commit
   Sending        examples/pom.xml
   svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: CHECKOUT of '/repos/asf/!svn/ver/534951/felix/trunk/examples/pom.xml': 403 Forbidden (
   svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:
   svn:    '/home/rickhall/tmp/felix-trunk2/svn-commit.tmp'

Anyone have any idea what this means?

This was on a fresh checkout of the trunk.

-> richard

Richard S. Hall wrote:
Ok, sorry for blaming the UPnP bundles! :-)

This bug was actually introduced by me, when I committed Didier's pom file for the spellcheckscr example...I didn't even think about this issue.

Whenever we change the packaging of any subproject, we have to remember to change the profile it is in. This is the second time we had issues due to changing the packaging of a bundle, but forgetting to changes it profile.

It will be nice if we can get a Maven fix for this so we can quit running into these sorts of issues.

I will commit your patch and uncomment the UPnP bundles...

Thanks for looking into it.

-> richard

Stefano Lenzi wrote:
Richard S. Hall wrote:
Francesco Furfari wrote:

Richard S. Hall wrote:
The UPnP bundles were causing my build to fail (as pointed out to me by Stephane), so I commented them out of the main pom file. Once the issue is resolved, we need to uncomment them.

Sorry to which bundles are you referring to?
In the trunk there aren't dependencies between UPnP and MOSGi
... and actually they are not commented !!
Are you talking about my sandbox?

I tried to do a clean build of the trunk and I got an error which says that it could not resolve a dependency for one of the UPnP bundles...I don't remember which. It looked like the dependency was on 0.1.0-incubator-SNAPSHOT of the maven-osgi-plugin, but I hadn't heard of such a version.

Clear your .m2/repository and try to build from scratch using "ant" in the trunk and see what happens...that is what I did.
Hi All,
we have just made some tests and we found that the problem resides in the org.apache.felix.examples.spellcheckscr project that uses the bundle packaging even if it's in the profile for that uses the osgi-bundle packaging. In fact if you look at your repository you may find also the wireadmin bundle installed as .osgi-bundle artifact instead of .jar due to the famous maven bug ^_^

So we have solved the issue by defining the profiles for the examples pom.xml as you have done for the trunk pom.xml I have tried to send the patch but I get the following error message:
Sending        examples/pom.xml
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: CHECKOUT of '/repos/asf/!svn/ver/534951/felix/trunk/examples/pom.xml': 403 Forbidden (

    So I'll attach the patch :S

Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

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