Richard, Craig:

I spend some hours to hack together:

1) a telnetd-osgi bundle with the min requirements (including SSH; but no templates, Beanshell etc.).
org .osgi .framework ,org .osgi .service .cm ,javax .crypto ,javax .crypto .spec ,org .slf4j ,org .apache .commons .collections ,org .apache.commons.collections.buffer,org.apache.commons.collections.list

You'll need the metatype and the configuration admin bundles, as well as a commons-collections bundle.

2) a shellconsole bundle that registers a simple shell that represents a glue to the Felix Shell Service (cleanroom, no old code used at all)

You can temporally find the two bundles here:

Note that the listeners are actually configured through the CM, which means you need some management utility (like the webconsole, which I honestly don't manage to run in felix yet).

The configuration for the start shell is:

Also, character mode is required for the telnet listener to behave correctly.

Hope that you can run it; feedback is welcome.


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