p.s. A lot of this discussion is based on the assumption that Dieter is will and interested in closer integration with the Felix community. :-)

Richard S. Hall wrote:
Hey everyone,

The following is intended as a summary of the recent discussion on telnetd (most of this analysis is from an email Felix Meschberger sent me).

The following bundles are necessary for remote shell access to Felix:

  1. Felix' standard shell bundle (i.e., shell bundle).
  2. Dieter's telnetd bundle (i.e., telnetd bundle).
  3. Dieter shell-telnetd glue bundle (i.e., glue bundle).

Dieter also mentioned that the telnetd bundle depended on a commons bundle, but we could easily package this into the telnetd bundle so that it is self-contained (we can help make this happen with the maven bundle plugin).

From Felix' analysis, we could simplify creating remote shell access by having the glue bundle inject a dummy configuration into telnetd's ManagedServiceFactory so that the Config Admin dependency could be optional. This all sounds good. (We could even consider embedding the telnetd stuff directly into the glue bundle, but that is another discussion.)

Given this setup, we can ponder where should the telnetd and glue bundle projects reside? The obvious choices are at the Source Forge telnetd site or at Felix. I think that any combination can be reasonably argued. Here is my personal take...

I definitely think it makes sense to create a subproject for the glue bundle at Felix, I am less certain about the telnetd bundle itself. While I definitely want to support the telnetd bundle, I am not sure if it really falls into the scope of the Felix project.

I guess the question is, is telnetd a completely generic telnet implementation that could easily be used outside of OSGi or not? If so, then it seems like it should be separate from Felix. On the other hand, if the implementation is somehow tied to OSGi, then it might make sense to host it at Felix.

Another possibility is that telnetd is generic, but that it has some sort of wrapper that integrates it into an OSGi environment, then maybe it makes sense to host the wrapper at Felix, keeping the generic library at SF.

I would definitely like to see this functionality available. My mind is open as to how to achieve it, so what does everyone else think?

-> richard

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