Felix, Craig:

I have dropped the sources for the telnetconsole bundle here:

//@license@ should be the Apache 2 License (of the Felix Project).

The headers I used are:

-> headers 5

Apache Felix Telnet Management Console (5)
Bundle-Activator = org.apache.felix.telnetconsole.impl.Activator
Bundle-Copyright = 2004-2008 VFI (http://www.vfi.or.at)
Bundle-Description = Felix Telnet Console Bundle
Export-Package = none
Bundle-Version = 1.0
Created-By = 1.5.0_13-119 (Apple Inc.)
Build-Number = 4
Bundle-ClassPath = .
Manifest-Version = 1.0
Bundle-Vendor = Apache Foundation
Bundle-ContactAddress = dieter at wimpi.net
Bundle-Category = console
Bundle-Name = Apache Felix Telnet Management Console
Ant-Version = Apache Ant 1.7.0
Built-By = wimpi
Import-Package = org.osgi.framework,org.apache.felix.shell
Bundle-SymbolicName = org.apache.felix.telnetconsole

If you can point out some docs how I would be able to "mavenize" this, let me know. Just for the moment I thought it may take me more time to do that, then to write the stuff itself.


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