Stefano Lenzi wrote:
> Hi All,
> After the new release of the org.osgi.core:1.2.0 and
> org.apache.felix.bundlerepository:1.2.0, the trunk do not compile
> anymore if you download felix from the SVN with an empty .m2 maven
> repository. In fact, several bundles dependes on
> org.osgi.core:1.1.0-SNAPSHOT which has never been released so they fail
> to compile.
> I have create the issue FELIX-715 and I have attached a simple patch.
> There are two possible solution modify the dependencies to the new
> 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT version or bind the dependencies to on of the 1.0.X
> release. I think that for org.osgi.core artifact every project should
> point to the released version, while for the bundlerepository artifact
> it is better to depend on the latest SNAPSTHO. Of course the final word
> is own by the main developer of the particular artifact. Furthermore, we
> may start to use the version range feature provided by maven. WDYT?
I think we should just all point them to the released version (1.2.0 for
all of them). If there is a need to update to a snapshot one can do it

> P.S.:I have also found that the org.apache.felix.metatype is using a
> wrong version number it should be 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT instead of
> 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT. Should we change it?
I think that version is correct - updating it to 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT creates
a funny situation once we decide to release a 1.0.4 as we have higher
snapshots which have been released earlier. And I personally don't like
decreasing the version number in the pom for a release :)

But in the end it doesn't matter that much - so whatever is prefered.
Please note that in other modules we then have to go to 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
as well.

Carsten Ziegeler

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