Cool.  Just one question though.  How difficult would it be to run the
tests in the same JVM in an isolated classloader ?  It would make
debugging way easier than having to hack the test to add the necessary
jvm option for remote debugging.

2009/4/29 Alin Dreghiciu <>:
> About tests, afaik iPojo will move also towards Pax Exam. We are discussing
> with Clement about doing the necessary changes in Pax Exam to support all
> features required by iPojo tests which were available in junit4osgi.
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 4:45 PM, Guillaume Nodet <> wrote:
>> The past days, I've been working on the blueprint implementation
>> inside Geronimo [1].
>> The spec is still being written so the implementation is not really
>> stable and is still missing a lot of features.
>> However, it's already somewhat usable and as I've hacked Karaf to
>> start using blueprint instead of spring-dm in a branch [2].
>> Tests do not even compile, but I've been able to start the console, so
>> I thought I would talk about it a bit.
>> This raises the question whether we want to switch to blueprint
>> instead of spring-dm.
>> I think we should, and even have to, given that  Spring-DM will switch
>> to support Blueprint at some point in the future too.  Also the
>> blueprint spec is way better than spring-dm wrt to namespace handlers
>> (that are considered dependencies, so we would not have problems with
>> namespace handlers not being available when a bundle is started) and
>> classloading (i think classes loaded for namespace handlers will be
>> loaded from the namespace handler bundle, thus freeing the bundle to
>> import all the namespace handlers packages), though those areas are in
>> flux.
>> If so, we might even want to do that before renaming the packages, as
>> the patch is quite big and would be quite broken after the rename imho
>> ...
>> As for tests, we'd have to switch to something else, which could be
>> junit4osgi from iPojo or pax-exam for example.
>> Feedback welcome.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Guillaume Nodet
>> ------------------------
>> Blog:
>> ------------------------
>> Open Source SOA
> --
> Alin Dreghiciu
> - New Energy for OSS Communities - Open Participation
> Software.
> - New Energy for Java - Domain Driven Development.
> Looking for a job.

Guillaume Nodet
Open Source SOA

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