> AFAIK, there is no domain called org.apache.felix.karaf.jaas. What if
> someone else actually owns such a domain name and now wants to publish some
> artifacts under that groupId?

They would have to control Apache DNS servers!  :-)

Seriously though, I see merits in both sides of this conversation, but the
fact is that each project (and in this case, maybe even sub-projects) has
different needs.  Many other projects employ a combination of the 2
approaches talked about here and there are no real hard and fast
requirements for maven groupId naming.  The Maven developers themselves
don't even strictly follow the groupId == reverse domain recommendation. (
http://repo2.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/maven/wagon/)  IMHO that is an
oversimplified interpretation of what is said on that page.

So I don't think there is a right or wrong answer.  Must we really spend
time pursuing these pedantic discussions when there is little or no
constructive outcome no matter what the end result is?


Chris Custine
FUSESource :: http://fusesource.com
My Blog :: http://blog.organicelement.com
Apache ServiceMix :: http://servicemix.apache.org
Apache Felix :: http://felix.apache.org
Apache Directory Server :: http://directory.apache.org

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 12:59 PM, Sahoo <sa...@sun.com> wrote:

> AFAIK, there is no domain called org.apache.felix.karaf.jaas. What if
> someone else actually owns such a domain name and now wants to publish some
> artifacts under that groupId?
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Guillaume Nodet wrote:
>> One could argue the domain name is org.apache, so it's clearly controlled.
>> On Wednesday, May 5, 2010, Sahoo <sa...@sun.com> wrote:
>>> Is there a domain name for each of those groupIds? Unless one controls
>>> the domain name, it should not be used as the groupId as per [1]. So, I
>>> would expect all the groupIds to be org.apache.felix for all Felix
>>> subprojects.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Sahoo
>>> [1]
>>> http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-central-repository-upload.html
>>> Guillaume Nodet wrote:
>>> btw, even in karaf, we have sub-sub groupids, for example:
>>>   org.apache.felix.karaf.jaas
>>> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 17:38, Guillaume Nodet <gno...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes, you don't end up with 100s of jars in org.apache.felix,
>>> so it's better categorized.
>>> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 17:20, Richard S. Hall <he...@ungoverned.org
>>> >wrote:
>>> I noticed while poking around Gogo that its Maven groupId is:
>>>   org.apache.felix.gogo
>>> While most other subprojects are:
>>>   org.apache.felix
>>> Apparently, Karaf also creates its own groupId. I guess I was under the
>>> assumption that all subprojects were using the same groupId. It doesn't
>>> seem
>>> necessary, even if you have multiple modules, since for example iPOJO has
>>> multiple modules, but still uses org.apache.felix.
>>> I realize the groupId doesn't really have much impact, but it does make
>>> it
>>> somewhat confusing to know which is the correct groupId to use for a
>>> given
>>> subproject. So, from that perspective it seems easier and more consistent
>>> if
>>> every subproject just used the same groupId. Are there any benefits of
>>> having separate groupIds?
>>> -> richard
>>> --
>>> Cheers,
>>> Guillaume Nodet
>>> ------------------------
>>> Blog: http://gnodet.blogspot.com/
>>> ------------------------
>>> Open Source SOA
>>> http://fusesource.com

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