It looks like that you are facing a classloading issue....
The problem is related to your OSGi configuration , in fact I have just
tried to execute the UPnP Base Driver 0.8.0 on Felix 2.0.5 and it runs
perfectly. By looking at your configuration I don't think that the problem
is related to the org.osgi.framework.system.packages.extra properties but it
may be related to the export package defined by the bundles you have

If you want to identify the source of the problem a I need more debug
information. In particular, I need the wiring message for trace how the UPnP
Base Driver is loading the xml parser.

In case that you don't know of to provide me the wiring, here are the steps
to execute:
1 - start Felix
2 - stop the UPnP Base Driver bundle
3 - stop Felix with the command stop 0 (if you stop it with ^C or by killing
java the next steps will fail)
4 - start Felix with felix.log.level=5
5 - execute the PS command from felix shell
6 - start the UPnP Base Driver bundle
7 - kill Felix (by pressing ^C)
8 - send me the output of the ps command along with the messages printed
after the point 6 (in particular you should get some messages like
DEBUG: DYNAMIC WIRE: 1.0 -> -> 2.0
DEBUG: WIRE: 3.0 -> -> 2.0 )

Best regards,
Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 16:42, charbel el_kaed

> I added your email too
> Kind Regards,
> charbel

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