Hi Stefano, 

I inspected the packages and this is what I found. (The inspection result are 

Bundle 20 ONLY imports org.w3c.dom and org.xml.sax
while Bundle 22 imports and exports org.xml.sax

In your previous reply you mentioned the correct configuration as:
I think that the correct configuration of bundle 20 and 22 are:
 - bundle 20 and 22 import and export the packages: org.w3c.dom and
 - bundle 20 and 22 ONLY import the packages: org.w3c.dom and org.xml.sax

So I am not sure if it is correct. I am really new to this.
I am looking at the OSGi Service Platform Release 4 core,  Version 4.2 page 52

-> inspect package c 20
org.soa4d.forge.osgi.xml.jdom.over.stax.sax.xquark.osgi [20] exports packages:
org.jdom; version=0.0.0
org.jdom.adapters; version=0.0.0
org.jdom.filter; version=0.0.0
org.jdom.output; version=0.0.0
org.jdom.output.sax; version=0.0.0
org.jdom.output.stax; version=0.0.0
org.jdom.input.stax; version=0.0.0

-> inspect package r 20
org.soa4d.forge.osgi.xml.jdom.over.stax.sax.xquark.osgi [20] imports packages:
javax.xml.stream; version=1.6.0 -> org.apache.felix.framework [0]
org.xml.sax.ext; version=1.6.0 -> org.apache.felix.framework [0]
org.w3c.dom; version=2.0.0 -> org.soa4d.forge.osgi.xml.dom.l2.core.api.osgi [19]

org.xml.sax; version=2.0.2 -> org.soa4d.forge.osgi.xml.sax2.api.osgi [21]
org.xml.sax.helpers; version=2.0.2 -> org.soa4d.forge.osgi.xml.sax.over.pull.bri
dge.osgi [22]
org.xquark.serialize; version=1.1.1 -> org.soa4d.forge.osgi.xml.xquare.serializi
ng [23]

-> inspect package c 22
org.soa4d.forge.osgi.xml.sax.over.pull.bridge.osgi [22] exports packages:
org.xml.sax.ext; version=2.0.2
org.xml.sax.helpers; version=2.0.2

-> inspect package r 22
org.soa4d.forge.osgi.xml.sax.over.pull.bridge.osgi [22] imports packages:
org.xmlpull.v1; version=1.1.2 -> org.soa4d.forge.osgi.xml.kxml.pullparser.osgi 
org.xml.sax; version=2.0.2 -> org.soa4d.forge.osgi.xml.sax2.api.osgi [21]

Kind regards,

> Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2010 14:54:41 +0200
> From: le...@apache.org
> Subject: Re: Error with UPnP Base driver
> To: dev@felix.apache.org
> On 01/06/2010 1.58, charbel el_kaed wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Stefano, 
> > 
> > Thanks for your reply.
> > 
> > I can't actually touch those bundles. Is there another way to do so ?
> Have you checked if the hypothesis regarding the import/export headers
> of bundle 20 and 22 are correct? If they aren't then the source of the
> problem is somewhere else.
> If the hypothesis are correct then you can change the import-package
> header of the "UPnP Base Driver" in order to force the loading of the
> classes from the bundle 0 by means of the bundle-symbolic-name parameter
> of import-package header (see OSGi Service Platform Release 4 Version
> 4.2 page 52).
> > 
> > Kind Regards,
> > Charbel.
> >                                       
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