Hi all,

On 07.09.2011 20:26, Valentin Valchev wrote:
> Btw what about the OBR plugin? Shall it remain build-in or moved as
> separate plugin?
Now, this starts to be an interesting discussion ;-)

This is the current plugin setup in the Web Console:

(1) Plugins I consider core and which should be kept:
- Bundle
- Services
- License
- System Properties

(2) Plugins already considered for breaking out
- Deployment Admin -- FELIX-3099
- DS - FELIX-3100
- Shell - FELIX-3107

(3) Plugins still in the Web Console which might/should be split off
- Configuration Admin
- LogService
- Preferences Service
- Wire Admin
- Thread

The idea of also breaking out the Thread configuration printer is to
easier support thread dump funcitonality introduced with Java 5 and 6
through the JMX Thread API. Also this could be aligned with the Apache
Kato project, particularly KATO-14.

Now, that we started breaking out plugins, we should probably be
consequent and break out non-central plugins.


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