Sorry about the subject of the mail it is actually tomcatRunWar. Sorry for
the confusion. I am new to the names

Still would love to know why my build fails.


On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 3:19 AM Mua Rachmann <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I ran the following commands below which built successfully.
>    1. ./gradlew migrateTenantListDB -PdbName=mifosplatform-tenants
>    2. ./gradlew migrateTenantDB -PdbName=mifostenant-default
> Upon running *gradlew tomcatRunWar* I get the following error
> From the following error message. I think the connection to mysql-server
> is not obtained but i am confused cause i just ran the migrations and it
> actually populated my database which shows the fineract app actually
> communicates with my database.
> Please can anyone help me figure this out?
> Thanks Mua.

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