
During tomcatRunwar, the following tasks are carried out

1) Initialize and upgrade the tenants list database (which lists details of
all tenants and their database connection credentials, i.e the equivalent
of ./gradlew migrateTenantListDB -PdbName=mifosplatform-tenants )
 You are stuck here
2) Upgrade each tenant-specific database.

The gradle tasks for migrating databases pick up the db credentials from
build.gradle (root, mysql by default). However, the tomcatrunwar task picks
up the credentials from a different location
(/fineract-provider/src/test/resources/META-INF/context.xml). You would
have to ensure the appropriate credentials are set here too, or that you
are using the default credentials (root,mysql).


On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 7:19 PM Mua Rachmann <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I ran the following commands below which built successfully.
>    1. ./gradlew migrateTenantListDB -PdbName=mifosplatform-tenants
>    2. ./gradlew migrateTenantDB -PdbName=mifostenant-default
> Upon running *gradlew tomcatRunWar* I get the following error
> From the following error message. I think the connection to mysql-server is
> not obtained but i am confused cause i just ran the migrations and it
> actually populated my database which shows the fineract app actually
> communicates with my database.
> Please can anyone help me figure this out?
> Thanks Mua.

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