Hi Javier.  I appreciate your input.  The goal of my new system is to
present a consolidated view of data from various LMS'.  I thought
performing the loan accounting on "my side" would be easier than managing
continuous input from each source LMS.


On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 8:13 PM Javier Borkenztain <jav...@fiter.io> wrote:

> Hi Vinayak,
> Yes, it seems a feasible project to be executed within Fineract 1.x.
> You can use Fineract APIs to send and receive the data. You can export
> reports in various formats to reconcile data.
> We have implemented an extension on the API manager tools of Fineract
> using WSO2 tool <https://wso2.com/>. This allows improving Fineract's
> APIs capabilities.
> Do you want to do just accounting on the different loans? What else do you
> need to do with the data?
> Let us know how can we help!
> Best,
> Javier
> APACHECON 2020 <https://www.apachecon.com/acna2020/>> Call for
> presentations is open! Apply here
> <https://www.apachecon.com/acna2020/cfp.html> for Fineract track now!!
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 8:02 PM Vinayak Javaly <vina...@urgent.vc> wrote:
>> Hello all.  I hope this email finds you all well.
>> I'm looking for general advice.
>> I'm building a new system that will aggregate loan information from
>> several different Loan Management Systems.  Some of these systems may be
>> from other LMS vendors (e.g. Mambu, LendFoundry).  I'm planning to use
>> Fineract as the core LMS in my new system.  Here's my planned workflow:
>>    1. Each LMS will periodically send loan product, loan, repayment,
>>    etc. info in a standardized format
>>    2. Our system will receive each LMS' data and input it into Fineract
>>    3. We're planning on performing the loan accounting for these loans
>>    in Fineract, AND have a periodic reconciliation process with the source 
>> LMS'
>> My questions:
>>    1. Is this a good idea?  Does this seem feasible?
>>    2. Do you see any major or minor issues with this plan?
>> Thank you in advance.
>> Stay safe.
>> Vinayak
> --
> [image: Logo] <https://www.fiter.io/>
> *Javier Borkenztain* *| CEO*
> *e:* jav...@fiter.io
> *w:* fiter.io <http://www.fiter.io/>
> *m:* +598-94621188
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