Agree completely. What could be significance of actual then? I see two option 
Actual and 30 days.

From: Binny Gopinath Sreevas <>
Sent: 23 October 2020 15:09
To: Dev <>
Subject: Re: Loan Repayment Calculation upon Loan Reschedule

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

Hi Saif,

My thought is that the "actual days" approach seems like a more fair and 
equitable way to distribute the interest across the actual N days that are 
there in any month.

For example:
In Feb, the borrower is paying on the 27th day. Then 27/28 seems more accurate 
than 27/30. 27 by 30 seems to imply that the lender is collecting 27 days 
interest for a 30 day period.
Similarly, in May, if the borrower is paying on the 30th day, then it seems 
more fair to calculate for 30/31 rather than 30/30. 30/30 seems to imply that 
the lender is charging interest for the full month, whereas in reality the 
borrower need to pay interest only for 30 days out of the 31 days available.

This approach that Fineract follows seems reasonable to me. Not sure if there 
could be a concern from a regulatory perspective or accounting standards 


On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 12:15 PM Saifudeen Khan 
<<>> wrote:
Got it, it has to be 20/28 as the days between Feb – Mar is 28 days.

The bigger question is, why is actual days taken into account? Should it not be 
30 days since I selected 30/360 model?

From: Saifudeen Khan <<>>
Sent: 23 October 2020 12:06
Subject: RE: Loan Repayment Calculation upon Loan Reschedule

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

Thanks so much Binny, tried the same formula for the another period, not 

I used your logic (2+(24/30)), (2+24/31), all gives different results, none 
matching. Am I taking the right number?

On a broader note, is it right to take 31 day for calculation while I 
specifically selected the 30/360 method for calculation? Is it a flaw?


From: Binny Gopinath Sreevas 
Sent: 23 October 2020 09:07
To: Dev <<>>
Subject: Re: Loan Repayment Calculation upon Loan Reschedule

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

Hi Saif,

I have not fully validated your excel sheet. However, here is my understanding:

Fineract treats a full month as 20th to the next 20th date. But when a partial 
month is involved, Fineact does an exact-days-based calculation.

In your example 20th Dec 2020 to 20th Jan 2020 is treated as one full month
The period from 20th Jan to 14th Feb has 25 days and the full month (20th Jan 
to 20th Feb) would have had 31 days - so it is treated as 25/31th portion of a 

84,000.28 * 10% / 12 * ( 1 + 25 / 31 ) = 1,264.52

Hope this will be of some help.


On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 12:44 AM Saifudeen Khan 
<<>> wrote:

I am new to Fineract and presently trying to learn the platform. I created a 
loan product with the following terms

Principal - 100000; Interest - 10%/year; 12 months duration; declining balance; 
30/360 method

How does the interest calculation part work here? I tried doing a sanity and 
found a difference of 4/- for a mount of 100000 issued over for a period of 12 
months with 10% interest/year

Step 1: Disbursed Loan on 20-Oct
Step 2: Repayment of 2 EMI (Nov, Dec)
Step 3: Reschedule Loan from 20 Jan 2021 to 14 Feb 2021
Step 4: View Repayment schedule
Step 5: See the interest calculated for 14 Feb 2021 as 1,264.520

While validating manually (Interest = P-Pp*10%*54/360), as the duration comes 
as 54 days and upon calculation it comes as 1260/- only, whereas fineract gives 

I am not sure from where the difference 4 has come during the calculation.



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